Chapter 11-blindness likeness

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One thing about the school in England that sucks, well, other than everything else, is that there are no lockers.

Which means that I have to carry my stupid PE bag thing around with me everywhere just for one lesson.

Not to mention the fact that I have a coat and another bag full of books.

First I had English. Remember that fricken terrifying teacher? Yep, I have her now.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Alfie said. "After all, she hates me and I'm still alive."

"Wow thanks that's assuring."

"I could be dead, once she threatened to hang me by my ears out the window. I believed her." He said with fear in his eyes.


"But she didn't do it so don't worry, plus, you're an A* student, she loves clever people."

"Almost late again? It's only your second lesson. Hurry up and sit down. Once again Mr Deyes? I thought maybe you would've tried to change but obviously that is only in my dreams."

"That was not fun, and to think I used to enjoy English lessons." I shivered.

"England makes English boring." he opened the door for me and rain was pouring down. "typical England." He muttered.

"I don't even have an umbrella." I grumbled.

I actually couldn't care less, I hate the rain, trust me, unless I am inside next to a fireplace and someone I hate doesn't have an umbrella is running around outside.

That's pretty hilarious.

I don't care if my hair gets wet, besides, I should wash it anyways. Plus I don't wear makeup so I don't have to always screech about my makeup smudging or running

"PE isn't going to be fun." Alfie held an umbrella over the two of us.

"I didn't like it in the first place." I groaned.

"I don't know why you don't make friends with some of the girls, not that I don't like you hanging out with us 'cause you're cool but doesn't every girl need some girl time?" He asked perplexed.

"It's just that none of them seem to really like me."

"Why not? You're great, you're pretty enough to be with the populars, you're smart enough to be with the nerds, what's the problem?"

"I don't know about that but I'll try, for you." I added in jokingly.

"That would be great." He said and waved goodbye to me.

I don't think he got the hint of sarcasm.

Once I finally got changed, I followed the rest of group A and tied my hair up.

"Haylie right?" A girl called from behind me.

"Oh yeah hi Megan." I said relieved, at least there was someone who was willing to talk to me.

You must remember Megan, she is the little Asian girl who took me shopping for Sawyer's party.

"I didn't know you were in group A."

"Not many people do. I'm pretty unimportant."

"Don't sweat it, I'll introduce you to some of my friends."

She introduced me to a tall auburn haired girl called Ellen, a brown haired beauty called Bethany and a slightly ditzy blond called Eve.

"It's nice to meet y'all." I said without thinking.

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