Hospitals. (Chapter 5)

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Megan's POV

Lily was still sleeping from the pills the hospital had given her. I sat next to her and waited for the doctor to come in.

"Hi,I'm doctor fell,Lily's having some serious problems at the moment with the baby,the baby seems to be in a wrong position and this can be fatal. If the baby doesn't move in the next couple of days,lily is at risk of loosing the baby,she will stay in for the next couple if days until the baby hopefully moves,and she should be waking up anytime soon so I'll leave youse to talk" he said before exiting.

I heard a noise come from lily and I helped her sit up.

"What's wrong?what happened to me?" She asked confused.

Lily's POV

After Megan explained everything and how I could loose the baby I couldn't fight the tears escaping my eyes.

"Let's just hope for the best" she whispered.

"Do you want me to call Harry?" She asked.

"No I'll do it" I said and she left the room.

I checked my phone noticing the 4 missed calls from Harry. I called and waited for Harry to answer.

"Oh so you answered?" He said sounding...angry?

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"What's wrong?! What's wrong is that all day I've been seeing pictures of you walking around with another guy?! And entering a cafe with him" he yelled down the phone.

"Harry-just listen?" I yelled.

"Listen to what lily?lies and more lies?" He yelled back.

"You know what Harry?! Believe what you want,but no it was Trevor I was meeting Megan and we so happened to bump into each other and walked together! I'm not up for this whilst I'm sat here trying to keep our baby alive Harry!" I sobbed into the phone.

"What do you mean keep our baby alive?!" He asked more relaxed this time.

"As if you care" I yelled before hanging up and switching off my phone to avoid any calls from Harry.

Harry's POV

What did she mean? Keep our baby alive,is something wrong? I tried to call again but her phone was off,so I did the last thing I wanted. I texted Megan.


What's wrong? Are lily and the baby okay? We had an argument and she won't tell me x


I know I heard!:( something about the baby is in the wrong position and if it doesn't turn into it's correct place,lily is at risk of loosing the baby,I'm sorry Harry,give lily time,I'll keep you updated,jut don't call her yet,she needs time x


How is she? Is she coping,do I need to come home? Thank you,and I won't call her...yet x


Lily's coping...sort of, stay where you are and it's okay,let her call you...when she is ready x

I can't believe I yelled at her again. Whilst she's sat there suffering and trying to keep our baby alive. I would go home but I don't even think Simon would let me. I should of just asked and let lily explain rather than screaming down the phone until she hung up and switched her phone off.


Lily's POV (3 days later)

The baby is fine,it had taken a correct position and will survive,I received a picture of him/her today and it made me smile.i had just got home and decided is switch my phone on.

I had 2 messages from Harry.


I'm sorry I yelled,please forgive me,I hope you&baby are okay,call me when you get this :( xxx


Lily? I'm so so sorry,please just call me in going out of my mind here! Just Please forgive me :( xxx

I gave in and called him and he answered straight away.

"Lily oh, my god,how are you? Im so sorry,please forgive me? How is the baby?" He rushed.

"I'm sorry too,I forgive you,I'm feeling much better,I'm home now but have to rest for a few days,and the baby has restored it's correct position" I said.

"Oh,god,I'm so happy right now,I'm glad your okay" he said.

"Yeah me too,but Harry I'm gonna go I'm really tired and still a little sore" I said.

"Okay,call me soon,I love you" he said.

"I love you too Harry"

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