Chapter 1

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Chapter 1*

"Miss Davis, what's the answer to 24?"

"Umm..54 squared times 18." I quickly responded.

"Correct, any questions? No? Great. You all are dismissed early for those in the play, if you aren't in the play, you have study hall for the rest of class."

I scooped up my books and looped my bag across my shoulder before catching up to my best friend, Perimont. Her parents are pretentious to say the least, I mean- who names their kid Perimont? She disregards the name and goes by Perry. Everyone calls her that, even her report card goes to Perry Allen.

"Hey Almond, ready for three hours of dancing?", she questioned as we pulled across the hall to our lockers. My name is Amadine Davis, but all my friends call me Almond.

"Aren't I always?", I replied as I jammed my math book and binder into my locker. Perry and I were on the school dance team, which meant choreographing the dances in all the school plays and musicals. I tossed my backpack over my shoulders and kicked my locker shut with my converse. I began down the hall and Perry quickly caught up to me.

We walked out the front door and headed across the street to the boys school. Perry and I went to an all-girls school, but the boys school was just across the street. I bounded down the hill to Oakland Heights, smiling at the sound of my converse hitting the pavement. Perry and I rounded the corner of the hill and the school came into view.

I pulled open the backstage doors and stepped into the warm air of the theater. I shivered a little and rubbed my hands together. The New York autumns were harsh, the winters even harsher. Perry and I stepped into the girls dressing room. I dropped my backpack and picked up my bag that had my dance shoes and my dance wear. I slipped behind the changing curtain and changed out of my skirt and long-sleeve shirt into black dance shorts and a loose fitting tank top. I pulled on my jazz shoes and stepped back out into the main dressing room area. I caught a glimpse of Perry walking out the door and rushed out behind her.

{~ AN: just to verify the girls school is Oakland Academy and the boys school is Oakland Heights. my chapters are going to be somewhat short,

but I will update more often then normal so yup:) ~}

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