wesker...... i love you

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I sat on the balcony afraid of what was the head of me was it the apocalypse Armageddon even I myself lost in thought is all of these negativities flow around my head like a river of bad luck
Cuz I feel tears begin to stream down my face I feel the presence of a man behind me his breathing soothing husky I turn around and all I see is the tall handsome men standing looking down at me "Wesker" I say slightly afraid as he does have a bad reputation in my town
"That's correct isn't it me wesker" get away from me I say started as a fallback almost falling over the balcony but he catches me his group was so strong you still look beautiful I've never seen a man like that before be careful he says sternly for pulling back up thank you I say but people warned me about you about what what are they say about me he says a little annoyed because he's so used to people talking trash about a lucky wishes they say you're dangerous psychopathic I can't handle too much I'm weak don't ever say that about yourself smiling a little as he gives you a comforting hug you're shocked but you decide to head back as you don't know what else to do you need to think positive about yourself because nobody will ever know the true you except for yourself your socks and inspired by his words the way his voice sounded as a smoothly and slowly let the mountains with his beautiful so scratchy voice butt they said that I can't trust you you lie and you use woman he used them for your own entertainment but I feel different about you he says looking down at you you blush and if she don't know what else to say you look down you look up at his glasses and you see as perfectly a red beautiful eyes looking right at you I can never tell a lie you're speechless but he feels the silence as he says because you're the perfect one for me who won pulls you closer and gives you a kiss Beyond

"oroburied inside of you" wesker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now