rip albert...

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So where is Wesker I cry and then Leon says Wesker has been dead this whole time he died in Resident Evil 5... I am shocked I break down onto the floor as I feel my world crumbling down beneath me and above me and everywhere around me he's laughs and says wow you never played the games before I only played the first one I say and he just Shrugged and said he's dead and I've been your lover this whole time I've been wearing a mask he says any shows the mask and it's a Wesker mask how did I even fall for that I say and I have tears rolling down my cheeks and he says oh well it's just because women are dumb you're the best example of that wow sexist I say and I slapped him and he gasps and he caresses his is cheeks he says ouch where's the nearest Neosporin

"oroburied inside of you" wesker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now