nsfw scene 18+++++ (ALMOSY DIED!)

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Wesker saying I'm very very happy because today is going to be out anyways so he comes out and he's running a nice tuxedo with umbrella logo on it cuz he's umbrella trash and also his hair is nice and messy which means that I have to do it oh God I said because I have to do is hair with nice hair gels and so... Polish it actually puts the f******... Any so anyways so after that we did here cuz I'm actually you like a really good hairstylist so that's actually kind of cool I guess it's one of my many talents LOL so after that we go we walk down the street and we're eating Push Pops because push before so good like I had like the blue kind and this like the right kind and he said he slaps want on the blue and I my hand and I say what the f*** Wesker and he says we can't just go around with like a red and blue because you know and I was like what he was like because of Bloods and Cribs you dumbass I was like s*** but you're right I threw his two and then we both laughed and I said oh s*** wait it's Chris f****** Redfield it isn't Chris walked up today Wesker and slap him and then says f*** you Oscar I hate you and then I guess to be continued

"oroburied inside of you" wesker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now