wesker.... the finale

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one day I was going to shoprite thonking about weskee..... and I cryd becose I miss him he died bc chris killed him and he died...... "*crys*" I said..... And I went in the shopping cart and crys myself to sleep..... But tjenm.... west are came and woke me up and said "*smiles* im alive*" and I hug hom!!!!! Im so happy your alive I say and he inrrrupts me with a kiss "I love u y/n :*" says wesker and then he got on his knee and I thought he was gonna do soemthinf lewd so I said "w-wesker! 0///0 not here but he proposed to me i cryd and said yes..... We had 1000000 children and chris died bc he took a big L and exploded bye

This isnt over then?!!?!!!!! What will happen nect?!!!? Stay tuned next time 😘

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