wesker ...

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What did you just say he says in shock because she just said that and he's really really really shocked because of I blush I'm sorry nevermind it's turn around like as if you were going to leave but he grabs you and wraps his hands head around you English strong grip you gas
he was so  let's Colour
No I'm ready to he says and you don't know whether you should be excited or nervous what is yours like tentacles or something never mind that's really weird instead of asking you just pulled him into a kiss this time make it last longer and deeper
Suddenly he picks you up and Smurfs that you're surprised reaction at his a fruitless attempt and it's almost unnoticed or at least to him the outcome with him holding you Bridal style he's doing because not you know he has Ouroboros he cannot do all of his powers so you going really fast like Sonic the Hedgehog and it's like kind of creepy but instead you just hold on because you trust him with your life and this was the love of your life and Beyond
Hold on tight he says but you barely hear him so you just say what but like it's in all caps so just imagine it and like all caps like caps-lock anyways like as if you were yelling because like you didn't hear it because you're just going really really fast so it's like making a noise like not even trying anymore oh shit I need to make a race this I don't even care
Before you can answer or even hear him he stops and takes a long sleep over the buildings you scream the bed is the other way instead of answering anything love him relevance role of it I said relevant there we go anyways he just smirks and continues to dash on jumping from building to building for a landing on one of them oddly enough there was a candlelit dinner sitting on top of one of the buildings along with some former umbrella workers waiting to serve you some freaking dinner like panzarottis or something like that his face looks so good I was going to save this for dinner he says finally putting you down
But you look better than what's on the menu she pow wow what a pick up line
Try not to laugh or Google or even smile instead you just allow the blush spread over your cheeks as you just look at him I know that was really cheesy he says you say I know but that's what I love about you
Now time for the show to begin to literally freaking just likes to sleep all this shit off of them table because like he really that weird things like the tablecloth and then just like pulling off a man always touches like falls off that's what he just did
To be continued

"oroburied inside of you" wesker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now