You can call me Monster

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Ophelia's days only got worse from then on, although all her friends were there for her.

No one really understood what was happening because they didn't even know what she had. Heck Ophelia didn't know what she had.

She didn't go to class that often either, she mostly went to her in-school-counselor during class times.

Every conversation with her would start the same.

"How's school doing? Is homework easy? Is anyone bothering you? How's your home life?"

It didn't bother her, she loved to talk about her problems like they were the only ones that mattered, like they were the worst in the world.

At the end of every talk the counselor would smile, hug her, and tell her to get to lunch.

Ophelia ate with Cassidy and Aiya every day. Today was one of the better days.

"Do you still see the monsters?" Aiya blurted and Cassidy hit her arm gently.

"Aiy! Quit it!" She whispered and frowned.

"It's okay... and no, actually, not today." Ophelia glanced at her three delusions and smiled.

They waved and she turned back to her friends.

"That's good to hear!" The two girls hugged her and she sighed happily.

When she glanced back at Zilo, Armaria, and Kismet she saw them surrounded by black shadows.

Her eyes widened, she shook her head, and turned away.

Ophelia sat at home, laying in bed and laughing uncontrollably.

Her father strode upstairs and opened her door.

"Would you quit it?" He yelled and she turned to him, tears rolling down her face.

"I'm going crazy..." she whispered and sat up, her dad's eyes widened and he immediately told her:

"We're going to the hospital."

She sat in the room, listening to everything the doctor said with her dad, who held his head in his head.

Her three friends sat with her on the examination table and nodded with every word.

"She sees a demon boy, a little girl with no eyes, a purple eyed black haired teenage boy with magical powers, and evil creatures that haunt her every minute of the day, I'd say schizoaffective disorder, I would prescribe her with antipsychotics but I'm afraid they might make things worse for her in terms of night terrors. It may be confusing but I assure you we will find you a treatment. Now for the nightmares..." blah blah blah, Ophelia couldn't handle it.

"Dad I'm gonna go wait outside..." she hopped off of the table and walked out of the room where the two adults continued to speak about cures for the poor girl's condition.

She sat outside on the sidewalk, knees to her chest, face hidden.

"Mommy look at all those birds!"the voice came from behind. Ophelia turned to see a bald girl that looked about fourteen. She sat in a wheelchair, staring with all the hope in her eyes at the birds flying around in the sky.

Ophelia stood up and walked towards the girl.

"They're pretty eh?" She smiled, and the girl smiled back. "I know a nice spot to see swans, I could show you!" Ophelia glanced at the girl's mother who was grinning wide.

"Oh mom can she show me?!" The girl turned her head to her mom who nodded.

Ophelia rolled the wheelchair to the back of the hospital and sat on a bench with the wheelchair next to her. She pulled a sandwhich out of her bag and pointed to two swans on the small pond.

She gave the girl half the sandwhich, picking at the bread and tossing it.

"I'm Ophelia." She smiled.

"I'm Bailey." The girl threw a piece of the bread and glanced at Ophelia. "Why're you here?"

"I apparently have schizoaffective disorder, I'm crazy..." Ophelia laughed awkwardly as the other girl kept throwing bread.

"I've got skin cancer, you can probably tell by the head..." she rubbed her head self consciously. "Just call me Bald Bailey!"

"Nah I think I'll call you Beautiful Bailey." Ophelia threw another piece of bread "You can call me Monster."

Bailey smiled and the world around Ophelia got darker, the shadows creeping up behind the girl in a wheelchair.

~Don't be afraid, love is the way, you can call me monster~
-EXO (Monster)

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