Narrator POV(In a sexy seducing voice)
As both lovers were kissing
passionately on the heart shaped bed,
thats when Gray made the first move.
He slowly started taking off the vest
Natsu always wore, He tossed the
article of clothing on the floor with a
quick swipe. Since Gray almost never
wears a shirt, that part was easy for
Natsu. As both boys were full on
making out, Natsu broke the
kiss and started kissing down Grays
chilly neck. Gray let out a moan as he
was playing with Natsu's rosy pink
hair. As Natsu was kissing down Grays
body he got to Grays nipples. While
caressing one nipple with one hand he
gently suckled on the other one. With
his tongue Natsu was flipping the icy
nipple inside his mouth. Carefully
coating it with saliva. Gray let out a
moan as a lump in his pants started to
rise from all the excitement Natsu was
giving him. When Natsu was done with
one nipple he went to the other one.
Doing the same thing. Once he was
done with Grays nipples he started
kissing his body again. As Natsu was
kissing lower, and lower, and lower
until he got to Grays pants. He slowly
started to pull down Grays pants by the
belt hoops. As Gray moaned louder,
Natsu slowly starts to unbutton and
unzip Grays black pants. As he pulls his
pants down, gray takes off his shoes
and socks with his feet to make it easier
for Natsu to take off his pants. As
Natsu successfully takes off Grays
pants, the lump in his underwear grows
noticeably larger. Before Natsu takes
off Grays underwear he drags his
tongue down his abdomen and stops
where his underwear starts. Natsu
then puts his tongue down into Grays
underwear and starts licking his dick.
As Gray moans even louder than
before, he starts to pull down Natsu's
pants and starts playing with his
already hard dick. This all happened so
fast Natsu didn't have time to do
anything besides gasp in delight when

Gratsu: A love story
FanfictionTwo frick fracking chapters. Many penis. So yaoi. Very buttsex. Wow.