Chapter Seventeen

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Natsu POV

The last thing I remember was being at

my new house with my new husband

just after our wedding. We threw a

party, everyone left, Gray then became

Zero magically and choked me. I wasn't

sure if I was dead or alive. But I'm

pretty sure I'm alive because I feel pain

all over my body except for my belly,

which was good. As I was slowly

waking up from unconsciousness, I

couldn't see, talk or move. My mouth

and eyes have been covered and I was

tied up with duck tape. As I tried to feel

around me with my tied up hands, I felt

burlap. I was in a sack. It wasn't

pleasant being in a sack, tied up,

couldn't see or talk, but I could smell.

The burlap didn't smell so bad actually.

But whatever or whoever was holding

the sack, smelled horrible. They

smelled of an old, forest person who

sweats everyday, and never takes

showers. I had assumed I was being

carried by said person because I wasn't

feeling motion sick. I tried hearing

around me to see if I could figure out

who was carrying me. All I could hear

was someone kicking a pebble across a

road as they walked and humming "I'm

a Barbie Girl" quietly to themselves.

Whoever this is, is a sissy but doesn't

want anyone else to know. But I heard

that voice before. I just can't pinpoint

where I heard it. Whoever was carrying

me, suddenly they dropped me on the

ground with a thud. I grunted a little

when I fell. I wasn't too fond on being

dropped. I tried as much as I could to

cushion my belly from the fall. It

worked out, but just barely. When I

grunted, the person who was carrying

me sighed. And opened a door that

sounded like it was a soundproof room.

This wasn't going to end well.

When I was picked back up, the

temperature dropped about 10 degrees

when I was, dropped again. The person

who was carrying me said.

"I have brought Natsu Dragneel, I

require my payment now."

I recognized the voice now. It was

Jellal Fernandez




Gray POV

Dammit. Knocked out again. This time,

it hurt like a bitch. As I was getting

back to consciousness, again, I noticed

I was tied to a metal bed now instead of

a chair. I had shackles and chains

across my legs, arms, abdomen only

leaving a square of skin above my

sternum and ribcage leaving my

pectorals uncovered, till just above my

belly button. My head was strapped,

leaving my neck visible. This was not

good. As I tried craning my neck to get

a better look around the room, I

started to see the steel door unlock and

a man with a mask step inside carrying

a sack. As he carelessly threw the sack

on the floor he took off his mask. I

couldn't believe who I saw. It was

Jellal. Or a Jellal look a like. As he

demanded his payment from what I

could assume was Zero, I saw the

burlap sack that was on the floor

slightly move. There was something or

someone in there.

"Open the bag so I know you are not

lying Jellal Fernandez." Zero said with

a stern, rough voice.

As he started to untie the bag he

carefully toppled out whatever was

inside the bag. What came out looked

like a pile of clothes with rosy pink

hair. Natsu was In the bag. And I had a

feeling, this would be the last time I

would see my love ever again.

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