Chapter Fourteen

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Natsu POV

Waking up the next morning was

wonderful! I woke up in the arms of my

fiancé, it was warm, birds were

chirping happily, I didn't feel morning

sickness, I didn't want to eat the

amount an army would eat, it was quite

nice for a change. When I tried to turn

my head and body to kiss my love

awake, his arm was ice cold and

fastened to my belly with a lot of force,

enough to give me a little pain. Well, he

was always cold, but he was colder than

usual. I was getting a bit scared when I


"Gray? Are you alright honey? You're

hurting me."

There was no answer, he must be in

deep sleep still. I tried prying his arm

off my stomach, but it wouldn't budge.

I managed to turn my head enough

around to see, Grays eyes were wide

open but were rolled to the back of his

head and his mouth was ajar. I

screamed just as I woke up out of the


Gray POV

I woke up to the sound of Natsu

screaming bloody murder. It was about

three in the morning, never a good

sign. It must have been another

nightmare he had. Ever since he went

to the doctor for the first time, when

they diagnosed he was pregnant, he has

been having a lot of nightmares about

either the children, me, the children

and I, or all of us. He quickly detached

himself from me, ran to the corner

farthest away from me, and sat there

sobbing and rocking back and forth

with his thumb in his mouth. Keeping

watchful eyes on me.

"Natsu? What's the matter honey? Had

another bad dream?" I whispered as I

slowly came closer to him.

"Stay back! I don't want to hurt you

Gray. I just don't want to be touched

for a little while." Natsu whispers back

while sniffling and gently rubbing his


I slowly back away into the bed. The

last thing I wanted was to get burned

by the love oh my life, but eh, love

hurts, ya know? I retreated under the

Gratsu: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now