Chapter Thirteen

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Umm. I don't know what to say here.... so. ONWARD!!!

Doctors POV

As I make my way to the secret place

where Zero resides, I have to go

through a very rough terrain forest. He

chose out here because no one ever

comes into the dark forest. The legend

behind this forest is who ever comes

into this forest, never comes back out

the same. I have gotten used to this

forest over time, it's not that bad

actually. It's just really dark, poisonous

animals, ditches, creepy trees enough

to make you shiver, and owls that hoot

during the daytime. No big deal.

Knowing the safe routes through the

forest really helped me getting to Zero's

lair. When I got there, Zero was pacing

back and forth with anticipation.

"Master Zero, I have returned from the

doctors office, Natsu and Grays

children seem to be growing stronger

by the day. With Master Makarov out

of the way, our plan should be smooth

sailing from here on out." The doctor

said panting.

"Yes, poisoning Makarov was the

greatest idea I have come up with!

Without you, it would have never been

possible. With him out of the way,

there is no one who could stop us!!" He

says as he grips the doctors hand into

his. "Then, you and I could finally be

together, with an entire kingdom at

our disposal." Zero said as he pulls the

doctor into a passionate kiss on the

Back to Natsu and Gray

Natsu POV

Loosing Gramps like that, really tugged

at my heart strings. The hormones

from the babies helped none in my

case. It just made me bawl harder.

Master Makarov was like a second

father to me, loosing him in the way he

died, killed me on the inside at the

funeral. That really made me think...

should I have sacrificed one of my

unborn children to save him? Go

against his will, just to save everyone

from this pain they are going through

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