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There was the slightest smile on his parted lips and the same crease between his eyebrows. It seemed like I'd been standing there for hours until he uncomfortably cleared his throat. His right hand reached in front of me. It held my wallet. The dumb thing is stuffed in my purse while I try to utter a "thank you" but as soon as I look up he's gone.

The rest of my week is clouded with preparation for my classes on Monday and the tall boy with the brown curls. Things had been pretty normal and I had regular calls from my brother every other day. I ate dinner at Polo's almost every night in hopes of spotting the dream of a boy.


Monday morning jitters came too harshly and I was tripping over air. The first class I'd signed up for was journalism. It'd always been a passion of mine. The classroom smelled of paper and wood, every seat was empty and grey. I took a seat in the front corner. The professor walked in, his hair was dark and there was slight stuble. His lips were pink and eyes a chocolate brown.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm doctor James Bennett. Welcome to journalism." His smile was warm and comforting while I shook his hand. It felt like home. It was nice to see a warm smile in New York.

"Hi, I'm Charli Dof, it's great to meet you." I tried to return the welcoming smile.

"It's a nice change to see a freshman in my class. It's also great to see someone so eager, I'll be looking forward to the year with you. I hope you think I suffocate you in work because that's definitely my intention." He laughs pure music from the heavens. I join with a small giggle. People had begun to fill the classroom during our conversation.

"So where are you from Miss Dof?"

"The capital of the nation."

"I can only say I come from the city that never sleeps," I chuckle "although I can't say hot dog," he says a sad version of the famous New Yorkers hot dog pronunciation. I laugh until I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I'll see you later Miss Dof," he flashes a friendly smile. He begins the class with a slide-show introduction of himself. His sense of humor is the same as mine and I feel this class slowly becoming my first and favorite.

While he goes over the syllabus, there's a disruption. Curly hair walks through the door with the same deep scowl on his face. The same beautiful aura he projects. He quickly makes his way to the middle of the room ignoring everyone and everything.

"So nice of you to join us Mr. Styles. I assume this will be the first and last time you show up in the middle of my class, yes?" Dr. Bennett cooly calls him out. Curly hair furiously glares at Dr. Bennett seemingly glaring right through him. Dr. Bennett rolls his eyes and continues.

I cautiously watch 'Mr. Styles.' The white shirt hugging his toned body shows faint grey and his arms show vivid black. He was still so beautiful. He scanned the room but as soon as he began turning in my direction I quickly looked straight ahead. I could feel his eyes on me. I sat there still and uncomfortable while Dr. Bennett stole glances at me.

Dr. Bennett dismissed class 20 minutes early and Styles rushed out of the classroom not taking another look at me. I tripped out of the desk on my own feet making Bennett rush over to me. I assured him I was fine while hoping the heat of my neck would fade.

"I look forward to the next three days. Especially at 9:15. Goodbye, Charli." I was led to the door with a hand hovering over my back. A small bye was returned on my part with no hope of the blush leaving my face.

I hadn't taken a whole 5 steps when Styles angrily stormed my way pushing past me and into the class room. The door was slammed and I dropped every single paper I got in class today.

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