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I woke up to the sun stabbing my eyes through the slits of the curtains. Everything felt different, even the air of the my bedroom. I shoved myself out of bed, my arms felt like they weren't mine, like I wasn't the one telling them how to move. Things in the bathroom went smoothly, although my entire body felt foreign, I got used to it.

My house smelled of bacon. True to the smell, I walked outside to bacon, eggs, and pancakes beautifully placed on my plate. I searched the apartment for the stranger that did this, instead finding a note.

"I made you breakfast, I'll be by your car after your last class. -Harry," His handwriting was scribbly and uneven, but beautiful all the same. I sat and dug into the breakfast that was almost perfect in taste. I'd spent so much time enjoying it that I lost track of time. I quickly got my things ready for classes, grabbing my keys out of a drawer and some spare cash I kept in the back. When I felt around, there was more than just a couple twenties but a whole stack about an inch thick. I pulled it and caught the note sticking out of the band holding it together.

"Just in case there's an emergency and I'm not here. Take care of yourself, Charli, I know you will. -Geo," tears had run out of my eyes while I eyed the $2,000. I quickly wiped the tears and left to journalism.

I was sat at a stop light 2 blocks away thinking about my situation with Harry. The club that night seemed so dangerous, the people hid their dirty looks behind practiced warm smiles. It was malicious.

I stepped through the doors of journalism, I was once again the first in the class. Bennett gave me a warm smile and walked towards me.

"Hi, Charli," he gave me a friendly wave.

"Hey," he took a seat next to me.

"How was class yesterday, I couldn't get here. I hated it, I hate missing class." I know the feeling, I thought to myself.

"Why didn't you come, the assignment was dull."

"Ouch," he chuckled, "I couldn't put much effort in to it cause my mother landed herself a trip to the hospital." I felt sorry for him, his expression fell and his eyes went blank.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head. I stood up and grabbed him by the arm to give him a warm hug. The situation would be more awkward if he wasn't so open and easy-going. Footsteps walk in the room with an abrupt stop. I turn to see Styles curiously and angrily studying the scene before him.

"Hello, Charli," the words come short and fast. Doctor Bennett rushes past me to his desk when a few more students walk in. Harry stays in the same spot unmoving, watching me sit in my seat. To my surprise he takes the one next to me. The whole 2 hours are spent trying to block out Harry staring at me. I feel like Bella Swan when her and Edward first meet.

I basically sprint to Bennett's desk to hand him the the rest of the week's assignments. I'd never been an overachiever but I had some free time on Monday at dinner.

"Thank you, this is great. Remind, me not to lose these," he jokes, "is there anything else I can do for you?" I try to think of something to ask to stall him, I can feel Harry watching us, waiting for me like he said he would. He stands from his chair to the front of his desk and leans on it.

"Can I have next weeks assignments too?"

"It's on your syllabus in your hand there," I bite my bottom lip in frustration, "Charli, are you doing anything to-"

"Charli, wow. It's getting late I think you should go to language now," Harry steps in, making it blatantly obvious that he was listening to the whole conversation. Including the last sentence where Bennett was gonna awkwardly ask me out. Bennett's cheeks are on full display and his arm reaches up to scratch his shaved face trying to conceal the bright pink. I give him an apologetic smile and he just looks down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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