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Harry drove a black Range Rover that smelled like new car. The black dress he bought me rode up too much. I would catch him looking at the exposed skin covered in sheer tights. He wouldn't tell me where we were going and the uncertainty ate at my sanity. My fingers shook from the anxiety of the whole ordeal and I shoved them under my legs to hide my feelings from Styles.

"We're here." His tone came clipped and smooth. I watched walk over to me, his hand was held out for me to hold on to. "I hope you enjoy the scene, it'll give you insight in to my line of work."

I was led to an entrance that seemed like a back door, the bass could be felt through the ground. The whole room we went into was unlike anything I'd ever imagined. Ultraviolet lights lit the room. An arm was too tightly holding my waist and I pinched his hand. He rolled his eyes.

Clean cut men in expensive looking clothes like Harry's who seemed like they'd drank 20 cups of coffee passed Harry and I down the hallway we were walking through. Each one nodded his head in acknowledgement towards Harry stopping their crazed behavior, he shot them a glare in response. Each one passing caused the already unbearable grip Harry had on my waist to get tighter. We were nearing the double doors that the bass came from. Styles sternly whispered to stay near him at all times. I stepped in to a room lit with purple and green ultraviolet lights. Clasier men in nicer suits were shoved in the place like sardines. The women were shamelessly clung to them as if their lives depended on it despite their beautiful cocktail dresses and sparkling jewelry. I looked up at Harry to realize his eyes were locked on me.

"Harry your grip on my side..." His eyes went wide and I was quickly spun round and sat on a high chair. Styles' warm hand caressed the sore area he'd been holding.

"I'm sorry, I hadn't realized. I just don't exactly trust the people here." Only then I'd taken the moment to look up and see about 5 men flashing me hungry smiles. My face must've held some sort of panicked expression becuase Harry used his body to shield me. I was never really one to be popular with men making this attention unsettling. My mouth always drove them away. He called out to the bartender rudely yelling something about how his job wasn't being done properly. I wondered why Harry would bring me to a place where he'd worry about me so much. A cool drink with pink liquid and a pineapple on the side was placed in my hands. Harry gave me a small smile and nodded his head in encouragment.

"It's a pink pineapple vodka," the expectant smile still on his face. "do you like it?"

"It's delicious, thank you Harry." The drink burned my throat but the taste was refreshing. I ate the pineapple, it had tasted bad with a sour center. A man with his hair slicked back approached us, he was the first to not cower in Harry's glare. His eyes spent a few seconds on me holding no expression.

"This is a first, Styles. Always surprising, always taking risks..." Harry's eyes could kill . "How long has it been? A week, I was beginning to think you wouldn't come back." With that last remark, he left.

"Who was that?"

"Someone who shouldn't be coming here anymore," his voice extra raspy.

"Where are we?"

"It's an exclusive club. We're waiting for my friends, they should be here soon. The people here largely support the arts, it's a respectable environment. Most of the people here seem to be kind and welcoming, dont they?" I nod. "This place is really fucking twisted."

"Then why'd you bring me here?"

"Don't you like it?"

"Can I have another drink?"

"Do you always answer a question with another question?" Before he could continue a beautiful girl began walking towards us with a handsome boy following her every move. Her elegant white dress touched the floor and the neckline plunged to her chest plate. She leaned in to greet Harry Italian style. I was surprised when she did the same to me.

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