The Beginning of the End

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I fiddled with a locket that appeared around my neck, and ran over what the pegasus had just told me, so I didn't forget.

Find whoever is still awake. Make a plan to wake everyone. Burn one of his wing feathers when I need him most. And have it all done by tomorrow night. Easy.

I thought about burning the feather then, but decided against it. If he had just left, he might not be able to have come back, and I could have wasted my only weapon: knowledge.

I calmed down after a few seconds, and noticed that the locket was half of a pair of wings. The message was clear enough: the other person who was awake has the other half of this necklace. When we find each other, they will make a whole pair of wings, and that means that only together, we will be helpful. Alone, we are unbalanced, plummeting all hope, as a bird would fall without its wings.
Then I spotted Luke, tied to the tree, casually chewing on a patch of grass, like nothing happened.

I ran over and climb onto the saddle, ready to head back to my house and prepare for the journey. When we got there, I tied the reins to a post with a slab of wood on top, so Luke can't get off. When he had a bucket of water, I headed inside and grabbed my school book bag off of the floor. I emptied the contents onto my bed, grabbed a few random peices of clothing, and shoved them in. I also packed a few water bottles, and a brush. I raced downstairs, where I found some apples, bananas, and carrots to pack. I grabbed some more water. Once, when my family went camping, my father told me that water is one of the most important things to bring somewhere that you may be for a long time.
I reached the door, and thought to write a letter to my parents and sister, in case I wasn't back by the time they woke up. I rummaged around for paper and a pen, and wrote.

Dear family,
If you are reading this, me horses need food and water soon, and I would appreciate it if you would give it to them. I will be back soon, I just went off on a little trip down to Aunt Marie's barn. I'll be back soon!
Thanks for feeding my horses,

What? Maybe heading to Aunt Marie's, I would see some movement. It was a slim chance, but I would've clung to any piece I found.

I ran outside and saw Luke calmly chewing on more grass, his water bucket half empty. He looked up when I came out, as if to ask if I was ready. I smiled at him, and climbed onto the saddle. We probably had a long ride ahead of us, overall.

I used a dirt path that doesn't pass many houses, because I needed to save my energy. (I wasn't sure where I was going, and I really couldn't waste any energy waking people  momentarily. I learned for sure that what drained me was waking people for only a moment when I passed them, when I talked to the pegasus.) I must stay away, and preserve my energy for when I can wake them fully.

The pegasus had said that I know who has the other half of the necklace. I had suspected that it may have been Olivia, but then I remembered that she had been asleep when I passed her family's store this morning. Who else did I know?

And then it hit me: Mary.

She was my cousin, and she lived on the other side of town, on my Aunt Marie's farm. It to was beginning to loom like I was going straight there after all.

After a quick assessment of what was best, I decided to take a turn into the woods again, and take that shortcut to the farm. Hopefully, Mary didn't leave the farm yet. She was a passionate rider like me, and took her horse out often.

I got along with the barn cat, Princess. She was all white, and always came to headbutt me and beg to be pet. My problem was with their dog, Leo. He growled and snapped whenever he saw me.

Mary and I were different, but we definitely get along well. I came down and visit every so often, and they said that I'm always welcome. Then was a good time to visit her.

Because I was riding quickly and through a shortcut, I get there by the time the sun is at its highest point. My stomach rumbling, I tied the reins to a pole once again, and listened for signs of movement in the house. I was far enough away that I wouldn't have had an affect on anyone sleeping, but if Mary was awake, I would be able to hear her... I hoped.

I listened for a while, just to make sure, but all I could here was Leo growling, and Princess purring, already at my ankles. She purred and headbutted me, but I ignored her, frowning at the quiet house. Mary had to be here.

I stepped inside, not caring if I woke anyone. Finding my possible partner was more important than saving energy now. Through the living room, across the kitchen, and into Mary's room I marched. There she was, laying in her bed, fast asleep. Great. Now my one hope for who had the necklace was gone.

I grabbed the doorknob and slammed the door open again. (I had closed it, in hopes that it would limit my power, and I wouldn't be wasting my energy to keep her family awake.) Then I stopped, and moved the door again, more gently. There it was. The sound of a metal bracelet hitting the wood door.

I turned back around to see Mary, her eyes half open, and watching me. They snapped shut when she noticed I was looking, but it was too late. The damage was done. I knew.

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