The Hole (Ava's POV)

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I hated that I had to let my new, little friend risk her life, while I just waited around. I thought about trying to close up a place at the bottom of the hole so the Amelia could have more time, but she might get stuck with the poison rising around her. Too much of a risk.

I listened to Ryan's phone counting down the seconds, either to a happy reunion, or a tragic death. No. I couldn't afford to think like that. She would get out with plenty of time. "Eleven. Ten." The voice kept counting. "Seven. Six." Now I was getting worried. She should be out by now. "Five." I began to panic. 

"Where is she?!" I cried. "Amelia!"

No answer.

I heard the phone finish counting the final seconds, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Three. Two."

I heard Ryan's phone drop to the ground, probably out of shock. It didn't matter.

"One." A timer went off, Amelia didn't appear, and a single tear traced my cheek.


I know, I know, this doesn't really count as a chapter. I just needed fifteen seconds worth of story.

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