Ariana Finds Luke
"Hey Luke." Ariana spoke sweetly closing her locker
"Hey Aria could I ask you something." He said and I nodded and
Read to find out more and get your tissues it's gonna get depressing but it's happy I promise
I woke up with the most beautiful sound in the world and that sound is the sound of food cooking. Oh I'm sorry my name is Ariana Grande I move a lot with my family I barley live in one place for a year so it's unbelievable that I now I get to go to a school from moving a lot. But I hate school I was bullied for years at my other one and then you have the subjects Math, Science, English. They are all stupid it's not that I hate them it's just I don't need them but enough bout me back to the story.
I immediately stood up and got dressed and put makeup on with foundation, Eyeliner, blush, Eyeshadow. Next I brushed my hair and teeth.
I wore.
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And some black pumps and my black backpack and ran down the steps.
"Mom what are you cooking." I spoke and went over to the stove.
"Eggs." She said and I shook my head "I'll pass." I said and I grabbed a apple.
"Sweetie come on schools waiting for you." She said and I shook my head "I think the school can care less if I show up or not." I mumbled and she laughed. "Come on Ari it may be actually fun." She said and I nodded.
"Okay fine I will." I answered back, I threw my apple away, and walked to the door.
"Okay bye mom." I said and she waved. I walked to my car and drove to the building called school.
I parked my car and took my backpack and walked into the "school". Apparently there was another girl that was new it's obvious because she looked so nervous. I finally found out where the office was and I asked the office lady for my timetable and I finally found my locker. I saw a boy with blonde hair opening his locker and he took out his backpack which was grey with a blue stripe with a Nike sign, He unpacked his books into his locker and it would be a lie if I said he wasn't attractive.
He turned to see me which made me turn to my locker. I took my books out for my first class which was English.
The boy followed me to the English class "I think he's in the class." I thought to myself. "Yes he is." He said and I blushed, "Omg you just heard me didn't you." I questioned looking down at my books and he nodded which made me giggle.
"After you." He said and opened the door and I smiled at him and walked in. "Well you must be Ariana and you must be Luke." She said and I turned to him
"Wait he just got here." I thought to myself "Wow there's a lot of new people coming in today." I thought.
"Well you two can sit right there." She said and pointed to the two seats next to the window. We both sat down and I looked at him funny "What." He asked and I looked at him again, "You just came to this school." I said and he nodded, "wow that's so cool I'm sorry it's just I thought no one else would be coming in the middle of the year like me." I mumbled and he chuckled and lifted my chin. "Well I believe I did." He said and we both giggled
I bought my lunch and I saw Luke waving over to me and that was the most cutest thing I have ever seen. When I got closer to him he scooted down so I could sit next to him and did I not mention there were a lot of cute boys so I did not feel comfortable because I was the only girl, "Hey Ari this is Calum, Michael, and Ashton(yes I know ashton didn't go to school with the boys but pretend okay :)) "Hey guys." I spoke to them all and they fired back a," Hey Ariana."
We talked all lunch until we all had to leave for 6,7 periods. Of course I had gym my least favorite but I am competitive so what ever we play I will win just saying(see what I did there hahahahahahahaha if you don't know let me go omg I can't stop 😂)
We played basketball, boys against girls which since I played the girls one. Let's just say I'm an amazing basketball player not to brag. We headed to the locker rooms and I was not very comfortable doing that because I'm not that kind of person that can be naked round other people and be chill bout it I can't.
But once I finally got out of the locker room I saw Luke and he waited for me to walk out I can tell because he had my book bag in his hands all ready zipped up and ready.
"Here ya go and let's go." He said and we walked out of the doors. Our hands touched that's when I looked down to see his hands slowly coming towards mine and I just grabbed his hand. I looked up to see his beautiful smile. We walked until I showed him my house and I sadly had to leave him and he first grabbed my phone and typed in something, "There now you can talk to me wherever." He said and I smiled and took my phone. I kissed his cheek and he blushed and walked away.
I walked in my front porch and I realized that I like Luke.