Ariana Finds Luke
"Hey Luke." Ariana spoke sweetly closing her locker
"Hey Aria could I ask you something." He said and I nodded and
Read to find out more and get your tissues it's gonna get depressing but it's happy I promise
I heard a knock at my window and I opened the window to see Luke with a black eye and busted lip.
"Omg Luke what happened." I whispered/yelled and he shrugged, "don't give me that what happened Luke." I questioned again and I pulled his arm quietly into the bathroom And let me just say it was 4 in the morning so no one would want to wake my mom up.
"Well I was walking and um..she attacked me." He answered and I gave him a confused look "What girl ooo I'm gonna beat her once I see her." I said and he chuckled, "Sunshine she attacked me and if she could beat me up she could beat you up." He said and I scoffed. "Oh that's sexist you think I can't beat her up." I questioned and he laughed, " I'm not trying to but what I'm trying to say is that I don't you to get hurt because your sooo special to me and I don't want you hurt." He said and kissed my forehead. "Thanks Luke." I looked at him and he looked at my lips and I noticed he leaned in and I leaned in and then a connection happened I knew it was perfect because I knew it was right as long as it was with him He played with my hair and I messed with his blonde hair.
I pulled away and he looked into my chocolate ones and I looked into his blue ones and I smiled, "what just happened." I said and he yawned, "we will talk about it in the morning." He said and walked down my stairs and I just couldn't stop smiling. The most attractive guy is sleeping in my house, kissed me, and he told me that he cares about me.
I woke up from jumping on my bed, "Ariana Get up now." Luke boomed and I jumped up to see him on top of me and I said, "get the hell off of me I'm not a beanbag." I yelled and he chuckled and got off, " you mom wants you and get ready for school I got to go bye Aria." He said and kissed my cheek.
I wore
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My make up was this
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When I was finished getting ready I then walked down the steps and I saw my mom talking to my dad, "hey guys what's wrong." I said and my mom looked at me and sighed, "That boy is not aloud in this house he's bad I know it." My mom fired and I stepped back, woah I know you didn't just say that.
"Um excuse me where is the mom that told me that I can like anyone I like." I said and I took my bag, " you know what I'm wasting time I'm out bye." I said and I walked out of that room and walked out side to my car.
I drove to the school and once I got out I heard lots of giggles and laughs and they were coming for me and I just said, "um I'm sorry are you laughing at me or your ugly arse self." And they all looked at me and stopped laughing and some people oohed and laughed and I just didn't care.
I walked to my locker and I saw Luke and he walked over to me, "hey aria can I talk to you." He said and I smiled, "yeah sure." I walked over with him away from my locker, "hey I just wanna tell you. That kiss meant nothing." He said and my heart shattered to pieces and I just looked back at him. What happened to that nice guy now he's a arse and he's not the kind guy anymore. He looked at me and then he looked sad, "it meant something to you." He said and I nodded with tears in my eyes, "yeah but now that it didn't mean anything to you then it meant nothing to me, go f*ck off a**hole." I said and I walked off and I felt tears come out of my eyes.
~~~~Lunch~~~~ I walked out with my lunch in my tray and I saw Luke with tears in his eyes and I stopped and I looked at him and I thought about walking over to him but then I remembered that I hate Luke because he broke my heart into millions of pieces.
"Hey Ariana ever hurt Luke again your gonna have worse." A girl said and I felt cold liquid on my hair, shoulders, and arms before I knew it I was soaked. I stood up and I yelled, "what the F bi*ch." I yelled and she looked at Luke, "you caused Luke to cry and for that I had to do that to you." She said and I slapped her, "he's broken! I'm the one who cared about him I'm the one who leaned in after he did I was the one who actually helped him when he was hurt, did you do that bi*ch, no you didn't, so further more I'm the one who loved him and you sl*t just swooped in like if it was no big deal and just poured water on my head." I said and she backed up, "yeah bi*ch I know someone put you into your place I know it's so surprising." I said and I grabbed my tray I dumped it on her and walked away.
I bolted to my locker and grabbed my books and my bag I'm done I'm done with this I hate this. I walked out the doors and I walked, walked until I was at the park. I sat on the swings next to a little girl,"what's wrong you look upset." She said and I looked at her "Oh it's something you wouldn't understand." I said and she sat up and said, "try me." And I looked at her then I finally talked about Luke and the girls and how that I loved him and she understood everything.
"How do you understand this." I said and she giggled, "because I have the same problem, well I didn't kiss the boy but we like each other but we can't say it because it's awkward to say." She said I nodded she sounded like me,"I'm Shannon." The little girl said and I smiled and shook her hand, "I'm Ariana." I said and she smiled I looked to see a young boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, "Cole!" She screamed and ran into his arms. I laughed at that, Awe young ❤️ love.
It started to pour and it rained and rained, Shannon and Cole still played on the playground and I sat next to a tree. I started to cry. I missed Luke and he's amazing self. His quiffed up hair and his smile. Everything I miss. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I jumped but I saw him it was Luke hemmings. "L..Luke." I said and he nodded. I jumped into his soft warm arms and cried, "I'm sorry." He cooed and I looked into his eyes and he looked at my lips and that made my next part the best part ever. I kissed him. This is a bad idea he may hurt me again but I don't care I missed him to much to care about that.
He pulled away and he held me tight in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso and I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him tight :).
"Ariana I'm so sorry I never would want to hurt you I'm sorry I would never do such a thing again." He rambled and I giggled and I said,"Please never do that again okay please." He then looked into my chocolate brown eyes and said,"I would never do such thing again." He said and he kissed me again.