eleven;; run for it

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The feeling of adrenaline pumped through my veins as we attempted to sneak through the camp, and up to the main gate. We both were extremely curious on who or where the previous gunshots had erupted from, because It sure as hell wasn't where we were.

We stood silent, our backs to the wall and as still as a deer caught in headlights. We had no time for screw ups, no time for mistakes and I sure as hell wasn't dying tonight.

The buzz from the alcohol I had previously chugged down stayed in my stomach, and continued to send fuzz like feelings around my brain. If it weren't for the current circumstances, I'd have definitely passed out by now, and allowed the hangover to sink in.

I crept slowly, with Daryl behind me and my gun held at eye height; ready for any battle to come. Another sudden gunshot erupted from a small distance away, which triggered my curiosity even more. I poked my head around the corner of the building for some sort of closure from the shots fired only to spot my 3 saviours and my Dad lined up in front of Dwight and Sherry; kneeling on the ground and begging for their lives.

"P-please." Sherry sobbed, her hands bounded from behind her and her face a flushed red colour from the amount of sobbing she had done.

Dad's loud, sarcastic and devious laugh echoed through the streets. "You think this is a game?" He chuckled, spinning his beloved Lucille in the air before catching it once more in his hand. "I offered you two a way out of the suffering, the pain... I was a damned good husband."

Dwight's head dropped to the ground, his eyes however, were focused directly on me. They widened in not only recognition but fear was the over-power.

"You.." Dad bellowed once again, poking the tip of Lucille onto Dwight's upper bicep. "You were my right hand man. Ya know; besides Steve." He shrugged. "So you were more like my left hand man." He chuckled.

I knew what was coming. Their deaths were inevitable, once my father's mind was made up, there was no going back.

"You know what?" Dad asked. "Where's Kaylie? I'm sure she'd love to see me beat the man who's cheated on her." He chuckled harshly, before ordering his men to stay put, and watch Dwight and Sherry whilst he got me.

"You've got 4 and a half minutes left on this planet!" He yelled while he walked to my room. "Make the most of it!"

I currently had 4 minutes and 20 seconds to do something for the couple, and I intended to.

I turned to face Daryl, who had his back to me while he kept watch for any other guards.
I grabbled his bicep and pushed him into the confined area on the side of the house for him to hide.
"What're ye' doin?!" He questioned as he tried to get out. I pushed him back into his sport, and pecked his nose before putting the silencer on my pistol. "Nuh uh. Kaylie..."

"I'm getting them out of here." I mumbled, as I heard the click which informed me that the silencer was on. "I'm wasting time, I have 3 minutes, 30 seconds.."

"This is stupid." He growled. "Ye' going to get yourself killed!"
"If I do.." I sighed, ignoring the shaking of Daryl's head. "Run to the gate and don't stop. There's a small hole that I crawl through when I want to go somewhere by myself and no one knowing. Go and run to Alexandria; get Rick and your people and leave."

Before he could object I turned the corner and walked directly up to the two men towering over Sherry and Dwight.

"Oh there you are." one of them acknowledged my presence.
"Negan just went to get you." The other said. "I'll go get him."

"No need." I coldly said before pulling out my gun and pulling the trigger. One by one I aimed for their head and they fell with a thud.

Their bodies fell limp to the ground, blood gushing out of their heads like a sprinkler.
Dwight and Sherry sat shocked as I tied the bounds on their hands free.

Kill First, Feel Last ; Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now