thirty six;; familar surroundings and familar faces

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Hello my doves, before I begin- I have something to run by you all first. This story is coming to an end very soon and as much as it kills me, it has run its course. As you all know, I'm currently in the process of 2 other books. (Officer Friendly has my heart & Its always been you) 

Once this story comes to its end, I'm going to start another story. I was thinking on a Negan or Carl story, maybe even another Daryl story. Comment below on what you think, and what you all would like to read!

Now.. Enjoy Chapter 36!


The walker came at me like a stray dog. Ravaging and gnawing, waiting to sink it's teeth into my skin. Before the undead being could grow any closer, I pulled the trigger of my gun and the thing instantly dropped dead for the second time in its life.
I looked around me, noticing the rest of the group stabbing, shooting and beating walkers repeatedly until a break in the horde was clear.

Simon had left for the search a while ago, not before making a trip to hilltop and gathering Jesus for assistance.

"Push forward!" I ordered the group and soon enough the walkers were clear and we were able to move on. Simon continued with his deal and left moments ago in search for Daryl and Rick whilst the rest of us made their way to the sanctuary.

Along the walk toward our hopeful safe haven, I held our son close to my chest, my heart aching for the safety of my husband. The ache of longing to be with him and the thought of being a family echoed through the very marrow of my bones. It was a chill wind trapped in the chambers of my heart. With every spare moment my mind would rehearse a new letter to him. And as the allotted time for his return drew nearer, time herself seemed to slow to such a leisurely pace she seemed cruel to me, ringing out the seconds, so that final week felt like a month. I never knew that missing someone could take over every fibre of your being and wring you out like a wet sponge every day. It is a torment I was unprepared for.

I trudged along the pavement at a sedate pace, my mind focused on the gentle footsteps that seemed to echo throughout the desolate forest trail.
"I don't even know where we are..." I mumbled, turning my head to face my father.
"I do..." he grinned sheepishly. "Some of us actually stuck around to remember the surroundings."

I narrowed my eyes at him jokingly, knowing that he meant no harm in his words. "Just because you can't get your rocks off... nor can you fall inlove.." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear, but not quite enough for the rest to.
"I'll have you know..." he smirked cockily. "I'm assuming that I still have 3 wives left."
"Right.." I laughed, "do you want to know something?"
"You're going to tell me anyway.." he raised his eyebrow.
"Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups dear father." I smirked. "If those women had any sense of humanity, they'd of left and taken their chances on the road. If you had any humanity, you'd settle for one despite anything that's happening around us."

He stayed silent for a moment, before bursting out with laughter and shrugging his shoulders. "Why have one pussy when you can have multiple?"
I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, letting a light laugh out of my mouth.
"Here..." Dad sighed. "Let me take the little man."

I smiled and handed mine and Daryl's little soldier to my father, feeling a gush of relief in my arms as the blood rushed throughout my arm, sending a relief feeling through the veins.
"Thanks." I smiled, stretching my arm.
"We need your giant ass lady balls incase we run into trouble.." he smiled. "Thought of a name yet?"
"No." I bluntly replied. "He will be named once his father has met him and is there to think of one." I smiled. "But for now, he's little one."

Not even an hour after, we were there. The familiar, high standing walls cascaded in front of us. I smiled as we approached the gates, being greeted by the same guards as the previous time I came here un announced.

"Negan, sir.." the man's eyes scattered left from right. His eyes fell onto mine, and near all colour drained from his face.
"I'm not going to hurt you this time." I laughed. "Unless... unless you really get on my nerves..."

"I--I" he stuttered.
"Relax dude." I smirked. "Don't be such a vagina."
"Open the gates." Dad ordered. The men nodded their heads sheepishly, instantly opening the gates.

"Alexandrian group, my friends." Dad smiled. "Welcome to the Sanctuary

Daryl's POV:

I stood frozen like an iceberg, completely unable to move. I stared at the body that laid in front of me; gnawed on, lifeless and bloodied. The woman I once knew, and once worshiped as a close friend was gone. I refused to be broken, I refused to let a tear slip.
"How?" Rick's gruff voice erupted from beside me. "How is this possible?"

I simply shrugged my shoulders in reply, I truely had no idea. "Tough son' of a bitch she was, Carol. She reminded me of a female Merle." I drawled as I took in a deep breath.

"Toughest asshole I ever met, Ma' brother." I smirked. "Feed him a hammer and he'd crap out nails."

"Feed her a hammer..." Rick slightly smiled.
"She'd crap out nails." I finished.
"Must have been lost with no water... no food, weapons.." Rick sighed.
"Passed out from exhaustion.. walkers musta' gotten her then."

Seeing Carol dead on the side of the road; someone I was so close to, someone who always found the best in me.. It made me that much more determined to find my pregnant wife. I couldn't bare the thought of finding Kaylie the way we had found Carol, it would kill me inside. I frowned slightly before turning back to Rick.
"We needa' bury her."
He nodded his head slightly, then looked at me with saddened eyes. "Kaylie will be fine, Daryl."
"Ain't worried about that." I assured the lie through my teeth. "Carols' been with us the whole time, she deserves a burial."
"And we will." He nodded. "But I know you, Daryl. You're my brother. You're worried about your wife and I get that. Kaylie.. she's the toughest son of a bitch I've met in a long time. She'd be safe."

I lightly nodded my head and together we quickly picked Carol's body off the ground, and placed her in the hole we had dug for her prior.
"You good?" Rick asked.

Before I could reply, rustles along the tree line gained our attention. Rick and I instantly hauled our weapons upward, aiming for whatever what about to escape the bushes.

Slowly, and cautiously Jesus stepped over the branches, alongside Simon- allowing Rick and I to breath of relief

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Slowly, and cautiously Jesus stepped over the branches, alongside Simon- allowing Rick and I to breath of relief.
"We needa' stop Meetin' like this." I growled jokingly to Jesus.
"Deja vü huh?" He snickered.

I turned my attention to Simon, knowing well and truely that he was with Kaylie the day Alexandria was overrun.
"You two need to come with us." He told us sternly.
"Kaylie..." I sighed. "Ma' wife is she okay?"

He just continued to stare at me, refusing to say a word. "Daryl.. Rick... just come with us.."

Almost instantly, anxiety overwhelmed me. I feared for the worst, and I feared to what I was being taken to. Only audible enough for me to hear, I whispered, "Please don' be dead babe."


Kill First, Feel Last ; Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now