eighteen;; under attack

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The pain was still there, even after 2 weeks of bed rest. I was growing bored with myself and being incapable of doing day to day things. Daryl was always out hunting and providing for the group but not without assuring my safety with Doug still in the picture. Rick was always doing was leaders do and in his eyes, the group looks up to me as much as they do him. I call bullshit- what Rick has done for that group is something I couldn't do for them no matter what the predicament. My respect for him is out of this world. Maggie is just about ready to pop any moment now, her pregnancy was getting to her- making it hard for her to come to terms with the fact that the child's father was no longer in the picture.

I loathed my father for that and while thinking about my father I began to wonder.. what would he do if I was to stumble across him or his saviours while we were doing a run? Would he kill me as an act of revenge or would he engulf me into a fatherly hug? My thoughts ran wild while I was bed ridden- I wasn't doing it anymore.

I got up out of bed, and stepped into the showers. Allowing the hot water to twinkle down my body- sending a stinging like sensation through my veins as the water cleaned my wound. After my long needed shower- I got changed into a pair of ripped denim jeans, and army green shirt and an oversized grey jumper. I tied up my black combat boots and tied my gun holster around my waist- placing my gun inside and spare ammo along with my hunting knife. As usual, I tied my throwing knives around my thigh and pulled my hair up and out of my face.

"What're you doing up?" Rick seethed, concern evident in his voice as he approached me while I made my way out into the foyer

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"What're you doing up?" Rick seethed, concern evident in his voice as he approached me while I made my way out into the foyer.
"I feel useless." I groaned. "I need to do something."
Rick chuckled in response, telling me as long as I was feeling okay- I'm more then welcome to help.
"Has anyone retrieved baby formula?" I questioned.
"Not yet." He shook his head. "We will need to do a run into town to do so."
"I'll do it." I nodded my head. "Doug won't be around me this time. I'll be fine."
After a few moments of debate, I finally made Rick give in, allowing me to go on the run by myself.
I said my goodbyes to Maggie, Sasha and Dwight. Daryl was still out hunting, I had no opportunity to tell him where I was going.

"He won't be happy to see you gone when he comes back, Kaylie." Rick assured me as he widened the gate for me to exit.
"Tell him I won't even spend the night." I shrugged as I got into the jeep. "I know a place down town. It's kind of hidden, so it shouldn't have been raised just yet."
"Okay." He nodded.
"Be careful, Kaylie." Maggie sighed.
"I'll be fine, Mags." I smiled. "You just worry about that little bundle inside you."

She sent me a smile as I began to drive away. I watched in the rearview mirror as they shut the gate and waved me goodbye. I drove for an hour along a narrow highway and quietly turned into a small town which consisted of small stores and grocers. I decided to raid some of the grocery stores before moving into the day care. I grabbed a few small items such as canned food, slabs of bottled water and even managed to find some candy. I found a whole heap of first aid items; alcohol, gauze, bandaids, pain killers etc. I eventually walked out of the store, stashing the items into the trunk and drove around 2 blocks into the day care to find it completely

My feet began to grow sore from all of the walking, but when it's for a baby and it's mother- pain was the least of my worries. I rummaged through the storage cabinets- finding tubs of formula to last months, baby food and even a few toys and pacifiers. I stashed them into the trunk and noticed it began to grow dark which meant that I had been out for more then 12 hours. Daryl would have returned by now, lord knows how he was reacting once he found out I wasn't there. I chuckled at the thought of him pacing back and forth- biting his nails like he does when he grows nervous.

I quickly walked back into the  day care, picking up a cradle and folding blankets inside. I threw some baby bottles inside too before carrying it back out and into the back seat before walking over to the drivers seat. A walker pounced out from no where, growling and drooling at the sight of human flesh. I allowed them to enjoy the sight before stabbing the undead in the skull- sending him lifeless once again. I quickly got into the drivers seat once i noticed more and more walkers began to come my way. I started the car up and did a U-turn with a screech from the wheels before driving back towards the school and back to Daryl.

I drove for another hour, running over the few walkers that stopped in front of the car before finally approaching the gates of the school. Although, I was completely shocked to find what I had.

Fire. Smoke. What the fuck happened?!
I began to grow anxious. Was everyone okay? was anyone hurt? I got out of the car and opened the gate myself before driving into the yard. I noticed the building to be untouched before the entire group came running out of the building. The first person I saw was Daryl and surprisingly he didn't look angry, or annoyed that I left. He seemed almost happy. He engulfed me into tight hug, causing a screech to escape my lips. He placed his lips onto my temple as I examined the damage that was done to the school.

"What happened?" I exclaimed, looking around and noticing the group to be smaller then before.
"We were attacked." Maggie sighed, as she rubbed the bottom half of her baby bump.
"Attacked?!" I gasped. "What the fuck?! By who?!"
"We don't know." Rick sighed. "It's just like the prison again."
"But the governor is dead." I stated from what Rick had told me, Michonne was the one to kill him.
"It wasn't the governor." He shook his head, running his hands through his hair.
"Any losses?" I asked.
"Spencer was shot." Dwight cut in. "Olivia was too."
"Although..." Sasha dragged on.
"Although? Although what?" I asked.

I looked to my left, noticing Aaron who had tears streaming down his face as Rosita comforted him.
"No..." I gasped. "Eric was shot too wasn't he!"

I began to grow more and more angry. Once Aaron shook his head no, the anger was replaced with confusion.
"He weren't shot." Daryl piped in as he wrapped his arms around my waist in a protective manner. "He was eaten."
"Eaten? By a walker? How did they manage to get in? Is there a blind spot?"
"Not by a walker, Kay." He sighed. "A fucking tiger." 

A tiger... a fucking tiger. I knew exactly who it was who attacked this compound. The same people who had caused my father and his men grief from the beginning of the outbreak. The same men who killed my sister and the same men who took turns in having their way with me. I knew what I had to do, and I wasn't entirely sure on how it would pan out, but I had to try.

"Baby supplies are in the jeep." I stated. "Daryl, I need to borrow your bike."
"What?!" He asked. "No ye' just got back! You ain't going again!"
"With a tiger roaming the woods, Kaylie it isn't safe for you to go anywhere." Rick chimed in.
"It's not roaming the woods, Rick." I snapped as i walked for the bike. "It's a pet!"

The group looked at me confusingly for a few moments. "Fuck." I groaned. "The tiger's a pet of a very very dangerous man. This man and his followers were the ones who caused my father and the saviours grief for months at a time. He's the reason my dad is the way he is. I can't sit back and watch them do to you guys what they did to my father and me. They won't stop until you're all dead."

They didn't argue, they just stood there with blank, shocked expressions on their faces. "So where are you going?" Daryl asked.
"I'm getting the help we need." I stated before kissing him with a great amount of passion. I wasn't sure if where I was going they would take kindly to me going there, but it was worth a shot.
"I love you." I whispered, kissing him one more time.
"No, Kaylie--"
"Daryl, trust me. Please, just trust me that I will be okay and I will be back. I promise."
Daryl finally nodded his head, and pulled me in for another kiss. "I love ye'."
"And I love you." I nodded before sending him a wink, starting the bike up and finally riding off to my destination.

Things just took a massive turn.

Kill First, Feel Last ; Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now