sixteen;; watching her

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I am so thankful for the amount of reads and votes I am getting! Almost 900 reads is amazing! Thank you all!

Daryl's POV: (I know right! Yay!)
She fell limp, though her hand still touching my face. "Rick!" I screamed. "Is she breathing?!" I felt tears begin to dwell in my eyes- I hadn't ever cried over no body except Merle. To stand here and watch the woman I adore near lifeless on a rock hard bed, it killed me inside.

Before Rick could even answer- the tears were already falling down my cheeks. Rick raised his hand to her neck and quickly nodded. "I've got a pulse."
A feeling a relief flushed through out my body- although she still needed saving. "Maggie, can ye' do something?!" I screamed- beginning to grow more and more anxious by the minute.
"I can try my dammed hardest, Daryl." She nodded while she pulled out some pillow cases and medical supplies. "But I need you to calm down and leave me please."

I shook my head vigorously at the thought of losing Kaylie. "I ain't leaving her." I said sternly.
"Please, Daryl!" Maggie begged. "I need space! If you want Kaylie to live- and believe me I want her to live too! You'll give me space to work on her!"

I slowly but reluctantly nodded my head, took one final glance at Kaylie and walked out. Emotional pain isn't felt the way a cut or bruise is. This is much different and only you can tell it is there. Sometimes the pain is at the back of your mind like a pulse. Other times it pushes itself forward demanding attention. Cutting your heart and mind in half stinging with every breath you take.

I leant my back on a wall and slowly slid down it as tears began to escape my eyes- followed by sobs. I hadn't ever loved a woman like her and just the thought of losing her was too hard to bare. I was breaking down emotionally.

"She'll pull through, Daryl." Rick interrupted me while he sat beside me.
"And if she doesn't?" I mumbled, wiping the final tears that fell down my cheeks.
"Don't even think about that." He ordered.

"What happened?" I changed the subject. "Who shot her? One of Negan's men?"
"There wasn't anyone else around apart from walkers." He denied, which made anger begin to boil inside me. "Sherry was bitten, we were ambushed. Kaylie took down three quarters of them herself. Only 3 of us had guns."

"Who?" I growled. I watched as Rick's face went from sadness or down right anger in a matter of seconds. "Myself." He began to number them down. "Kaylie and..."

"And?!?" I pushed.


"You mother fucker!" I screamed as the boys back hit the wall. His eyes showed fear- like I cared. Rick was beside me, allowing me to do whatever the heck I wanted.
"Woah!" Doug yelled. "What the hell are you on about?!"
"Kaylie." Rick growled. "You, and I were the only ones who had guns apart from her. I sure as hell didn't shoot her."

Doug's face slowly grew a cold smirk, resembling the devil himself- which only made my anger grow even more.
"You shot er' didn't ye'!" I screamed in his face. "Didn't ye'?!?" I pushed the collar of his shirt once more- pushing him further into the wall.

"Yeah." He chuckled evilly. "Can you blame me?! Bitch deserved it-" that was enough for me. I instantly raised my fist- colliding it with his face and knocking him out almost instantaneously.

"Lock him in a cell." I said to Rick. "Kaylie can deal with him if she wakes up."
"When she wakes up." Rick corrected. "She'll wake up."
I nodded my head and turned back to Rick as I watched him bind Doug's feet and legs together. "If she don't... the fucker is mine."

"Daryl!" Maggie screamed as she ran out.
"What? She okay?" I panicked.
"Yeah." She sighed- and a bit of relief overwhelmed me. "She's just---"
"Just what?!"
"She's in a coma Daryl..." Maggie sighed. That was when my life came crashing down even more. I dropped to my knees- not allowing the tears to fall but I couldn't help it. They fell anyway.

She's going to pull through. She has to.

Kill First, Feel Last ; Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now