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First Appearance: Chapter 1 - Life in Gondoa

Name: Elisia Tristex

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 23

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Power: Electromancy

Hair Colour: Violet

Eye Colour: Deep Purple

Height: 5'5"

Scars: None

Best Trait: Cheerful

Worse Trait: If She Got Any More Dense, She'd Become A ****ing Block Of Concrete

Favourite Things: Drawing, Sleeping, Food

Least Favourite Things: Algebra, Creepy Internet Weirdos, Sappy Cliché Movies

Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

Siblings: Younger Sister Angie (Age 11), Twin Step-Brothers Jonah and Noah (Age 8)

Pets: Elias The Black Labrador

Best Friends: Most Often Seen With Lucas Duke

Worst Enemies: Elisia doesn't really have any enemies.

Occupation: Student At Gondoa's School of Magic and Special Talents (Diviner's Wing)

Brief Description: Elisia isn't the most well-known of all the diviners, yet she is probably one of the most quirky girls on the planet. And by quirky, I mean dense. Seriously, you could walk up to her, kiss her, and then ask her to marry you, and she still would have no idea that you like her. Known for her constant cheerfulness, hyperactivity, and carefree perspective upon everything, she is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Anyway, Elisia is one of the most fun people to hang around with, but you might have to stop her from getting hit by a bus once or twice. Whether you're actually anywhere near a road or not is irrelevant.

"Wait, did he die?! That's a perfectly good set of abs gone to waste!"

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