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First Appearance: Chapter 2 - Classtime

Name: Real Name Is Unknown; Goes By The Alias 'Rana'

Age: Several Generations Old

Gender: Female

Birthday: Unknown

Zodiac Sign: Unknown

Power: Currently, Rana possesses a limited version of the power of every diviner, so to make it easier for her to teach

Hair Colour: Ebony

Eye Colour: Amethyst

Height: 5'8"

Scars: None

Best Trait: Not Willing To Be Bossed-Around

Worse Trait: Maybe A Little Too Laid Back?

Favourite Things: Family, Teaching, Protecting Her Students (and shipping them together)

Least Favourite Things: Anything that tries to harm her students

Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

Siblings: None

Pets: None

Best Friends: Since she's been around for thousands of years, she doesn't really have any friends that are alive. Instead, she considers her students to be her closest friends and family.

Worst Enemies: Unknown

Occupation: Teacher At Gondoa's School of Magic and Special Talents (Diviner's Wing)

Brief Description: As the teacher of thirteen magical teenagers, and the past teacher of many other magical teenagers, it's kind of expected for Rana to be a little bit crazy. Between hyperactive fire mages, obnoxiously flirty giants, psychotic sweethearts, and shy demon wannabes, Rana's seen it all, though she has said that no generation had as close of relationships with each other than the current diviners. She's also said the the current generation has been her favourite, though she would never say that to the past generations. All in all, Rana's a compassionate person who cares about the wellbeing of others more than anything, even if she seems careless at times.

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