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First Appearance: Chapter 1 - Life in Gondoa

Name: Vane Loke

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Birthday: April 1

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Power: Spaciomancy

Hair Colour: Dark Blue

Eye Colour: Deep Indigo

Height: 6'4"

Scars: None

Best Trait: Able to get along with girls...a bit too well.

Worse Trait: Perverted is a bit of an understatement...

Favourite Things: Girls, Sausages, Eggs and Popsicles (blueberry flavoured).

Least Favourite Things: School

Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

Siblings: None

Pets: A kitten named Weiner

Best Friends: Blaze, Jasper and Noelle

Worst Enemies: None

Occupation: Student At Gondoa's School Of Magic And Special Talents (Diviner's Wing)

Brief Description: Well. This character isn't all that complicated. Let's get right to the point. He's a pervert. We know it, he knows it, and you know it. If he could, he would flirt with a freaking lamp post. He annoys people every chance he gets, but he generally is a funny guy that most people like. His looks usually draw girls right to his side, having no problem with it, but he only has one girl in mind. The only girl that isn't easily affected by him. Noelle. And has no problem displaying his affections for her in public. Really he's an all around lady's man. Not much else to say about this guy except........ HE'S FREAKING WAAAAY TO TALL!!!!!!!!!!

"So I ain't perfect...just pretty."

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