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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER!: Kat became the new HOH! Aria, Lily, Kat and Kobe made an all girl alliance called FourSquare! Trey was randomly chosen to have the Coup D'Etat power! Omar, Dashawn and Wolf made The Shield Alliance! Trey, Cyprus and Omar  confronted Lily on lying!

TONIGHT: Who will be evicted, the DJ or the model? And will the Coup D'État power be used?

DAY 25

*Trey and Cyprus are in bed. Cyprus is rubbing Trey's back*

Cyprus: "Babe, wakey wakey."

*Trey groans and Cyprus giggles*

Cyprus: "It's almost three o clock. We need to eat, shower and get ready for eviction tonight."

Trey: "Why did you let me sleep in so late?"

Cyprus: "I didn't realize it was that late until I heard Kobe say what time it was."

*Trey gets up out of bed and hugs Cyprus*

Cyprus: "I'll make some lunch while you take a shower, okay?"

*Trey nods*

Trey: "I love you!"

Cyprus: "I love you too!"

*Cyprus heads to the kitchen to cook while Trey takes a shower*

*Aria, Kobe, Lily are in the kitchen*

Aria: "What are you guys going to wear tonight?

Kobe: "I need to wash me dress really quick I got something all over it!"

Lily: "You better hurry up, eviction is in like five hours!"

Kobe: "Oh my gosh! I need to hurry up!"

*Kobe runs into the laundry room to wash her dress*

*Kat and Omar are in the HOH room*

Omar: "Who do you want to go home today?"

Kat: "It doesn't matter who goes home to me."

Omar: "Watch Julianna, Emily, Hunter, or Weston win HOH.

Kat: "Right, I don't want any of them winning but our luck they will."

Omar: "We need to work together. The rest of the house to get them out."

Kat: "I talked to Lily and said that's what we need to do."

Omar: "I told Cyprus and Trey to talk to her, not yell at her."

Kat: "She isn't mad at you, she's mad at Trey and Cyprus."

*Dashawn and Wolf are in the Miami room*

Dashawn: "Which outfit should I wear?"

Wolf: "The one of the right."

*Dashawn puts the other outfit away and grabs his things to take a shower*

*Wolf heads out of the room to get a snack*

*Emily and Weston are in the bathroom*

*Weston is laying down and watching Emily do her makeup*

Emily: "You need to get ready, Wes."

Weston: "I know. I'm lazy." *giggles*

Emily: "It's obvious you are! Silly."


IT IS TIME FOR THE LIVE EVICTION! Houseguests in just a few minutes we will begin the live eviction. Emily & Dashawn you will each have one more chance to persuade your houseguests to keep you. Emily, you can go first:

Emily: "Hello houseguests! I hope all of you are having fun this summer, I sure am! I would like to say that you should vote how you wanna vote. What's best for you! I think everybody plays the game differently and we shouldn't judge each other for it. So, choose who you think can help with your game! I wanna say hello to my mom, dad, sister and brother!"

Thank you, Emily! Dashawn, it is your turn.

Dashawn: "Hey guys! Hi mom and my five brothers at home! I just wanna say vote how you want and vote what's right for your game. At the end of the day we are still strangers to each other and only one person wins the main prize. I am having the best summer ever and want to continue! Thank you!"

Thank you, Dashawn! Okay houseguests, one by one you will go in the diary room and vote. The nominees and HOH cannot vote.

Trey votes to evict EMILY
Lily votes to evict DASHAWN
Julianna votes to evict DASHAWN
Hunter votes to evict DASHAWN
Cyprus votes to evict EMILY
Omar votes to evict EMILY
Aria votes to evict DASHAWN
Weston votes to evict DASHAWN
Kobe votes to evict DASHAWN
Wolf votes to evict EMILY

It is official, with a 6-4 vote, Dashawn will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Let's tell the houseguests!

Houseguests! When I reveal the name of the evicted houseguest they will have a few minutes to say goodbye.

By a vote of 6-4, Dashawn you are evicted from the Big Brother house.


Wolf: "Hey man, I'm sorry you got evicted. I will work with Omar and try to make it to the end! I can't wait to talk again after the show and we are friends for life!"

Emily: "Well if anybody sees this, that means I'm still in the house and I am going to win this game!"

Cyprus: "Hey D! I'm sorry you went home this week, I tried to get the numbers but I couldn't. I hope we can be friends after the show if over! See you at finale night!"

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