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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Hunter became HOH and is working with his alliance members, Julianna, Emily and Weston about who he should nominate for eviction . Aria and Lily try to figure out what side is the best to work with to further their game. Trey, Cyprus, Omar and Wolf have formed an official alliance! Hunter nominated Lily and Cyprus for eviction!

TONIGHT: Find out who wins the POV! And will it be used to either save Lily or Cyprus.

DAY 30


Hunter: "Hey everybody, it is time to pick players for the power of veto!"

*Everybody heads to the living room. Cyprus and Lily stand on each side of Hunter*

Hunter: "Only six people will participate in the veto competition. The head of household,
the two nominees, and three players selected by random draw. As head of household,
I'll pick first."

DR: Hunter: "I really need the nominations to stay the same this week. I do not want anymore blood on my hands.

*Hunter picks a name out of the box*

Hunter:  "Trey!"

DR: Lily: "I need Aria, Kat or Kobe to be in the veto competition.

*Lily picks a name out of the box*

Lily: "Wolf!"

DR: Lily: "Of course I pick somebody that clearly will not help me! I feel so alone in this veto!"

DR: Cyprus: "I need to win this veto or have my whole alliance be in the veto basically! 

*Cyprus picks a name out of the box*

Cyprus: "Kobe!

DR: Cyprus: "Of course I picked somebody I don't work with!"

Hunter: "Big Brother will inform us when the competition will begin! Good luck everybody!"

*Everybody leaves the living room and goes their separate ways*

*Trey and Cyprus go into the Tokyo room and hug tightly*

Cyprus: *whispers* "I am so happy that you got picked to play in the veto."

Trey: *whispers* "Me too. And I think it was funny that Hunter picked me."

*Trey and Cyprus kiss*

*In the New York room*

Kat: *whispers* "Do you think you would use the veto on Lily?"

Kobe: *whispers* "I have no idea. Like friendship wise, I totally would. 100%. But game wise, I don't think I will."

Kat: *whispers* "Well, it's up to you. I'm not pressuring you. Do what's best for your game and we can work with it either way."

DR: Kobe: "I'm afraid if I win the veto and use it on Lily, the house will figure out we are an all girl alliance. I already know Omar, Wolf, Trey and Cyprus already figured it out!"

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