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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Kobe won HOH! Julianna tries to persuade Kobe to backdoor Lily after what happened to Hunter. Kobe decides to work with Omar, Trey, Cyprus, Lily and Kat to backdoor Julianna. Weston told Omar he will evict Julianna if she goes on the block. Kobe nominates Cyprus and Kat for nominations after they both offered to be pawns.

TONIGHT: Who will win the POV? All this and more on Big Brother!

DAY 57


Kobe: "Hey everybody, it is time to pick players for the power of veto!"

*Everybody heads to the living room. Cyprus, and Kat stand on each side of Kobe*

Kobe: "Only six people will participate in the veto competition. The head of household,
the two nominees, and three players selected by random draw. As head of household,
I'll pick first."

DR: Kobe: "I cannot pull out Julianna's name! I will literally pee myself if she plays this veto!"

*Kobe picks a name out of the box*

Kobe: "Weston!"

DR: Cyprus: "I really need Omar or Trey to play in this video to help me this week."

*Cyprus picks a name out of the box* 

Cyprus: "Omar!"

*Kat picks a name out of the box* 

DR: Kat: "I don't care who I pick, as long as I don't pick Julianna's name.

Kat: "Trey!"

Kobe: "Big Brother will inform us when the competition will begin! Good luck everybody!"

*By the Pool*

*Cyprus is in the pool while Trey is sitting there with his feet in the water*

Cyprus: "Get in the pool, babe."

Trey: "I hate to swim."

Cyprus: "Why, babe?"

Trey: "Because I can't."

Cyprus: "The water isn't deep. I promise you. I will hold you."

Trey: "Promise?"

Cyprus: "Promise."

*Trey gets in the pool and Cyprus holds him*

Cyprus: "I got you, babe."

DR: Trey: "I have no idea what I would do if Cyprus got evicted before me. I am very close to him now and I have never felt like this with any of my exs in the past."

*Trey and Cyprus kiss a few times*

*Omar walks over and jumps in the pool*

Trey: "Omar! You fucking scared me!"

Omar: "Aw, man I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." *giggles*

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