Meeting them

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I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned this... I think, but for those a of you who don't know here's a key.
Y/n: your name
F/c: favorite color
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length( such as long or short)
Anyway, on with the story. Oh by the way this is my first avengers fan-fiction, just for your information. And this is after the civil war, and Pietro is still alive.

Y/n: I woke up with a groan, I slept in a fetal position all night and it sure did a number on my back. I got up and stretched, popping my back here and there.  It's time to start my search for food, but not until I kind of wash up.

I have three main shapeshifting forms for right now, that's my wolf form, my cheetah form, and my Phoenix form, but in order for me to shape shift into other forms, it takes practice, which I don't have time for. Also I don't really like going into public because, lets say that I was previously a wolf, but I just changed back into a human, I would have the ears and the tail, the same for the cheetah, but if I was a Phoenix, I would have it's wings and fire manipulation.  It kind of works like that. That's why I stay hidden in alleys.

Anyway back to reality, I stood up and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and could feel myself morphing.  The process took about a minute, I opened my eyes and took off into the sky.  I let out an ear piercing screech, and felt the wind ruffle my feathers.  I did flips and dives, and could feel the early morning breeze.  I spotted a lake inside central square, that seemed to be pretty much left alone, so I headed there. I took a quick dive and pulled up at the last second. I dove into the water and took a 'bird bath' because even if I'm in my animal form I can just wash up that way.  It didn't take that long to get washed, and as soon as I was done I spread open my wings, and shot into the air.  I took a peaceful flight back to the alley, and morphed back into my human form there. 

I continued on my search for something to eat, I still had my wings so it made it easier to to find food fast.  I was making my way into another alley, until I heard what sounded like battle cries, clashing metal, as if a major battle was going on.  I crept closer to the sounds, because, hey, curiosity got the best of me.  I kept inching closer and closer, I peeked around the corner to see Thor, black widow, iron man, hawkeye, the hulk, captain America, quicksilver, scarlet witch, the winter soldier, vision, and... Loki?  They were easily capturing some bank robbers, and handing them over to the police.  That is until I had to be an idiot and step on a twig, I instantly froze, they all turned my direction. 

I started to have a mini panic attack, 'I can't be caught, I won't let them take me, I can't go through that pain again, they can't know who I am, what am I gonna do, what am I gonna do?' I was snapped out of it when Thor's loud voice broke the silence, "WHO'S THERE? COME OUT AND SHOW YOUR SELF" and I did the complete opposite, I made a run for it. 

I dashed in and out of alleys, only to look back and notice that they were right on my tail, literally (get it, get it, because you have a tail, hehe hehe... eh) I quickly changed into a cheetah and bolted down the street. "STOP, come back" I heard someone yell other than Thor, but I didn't listen all I had to do was lose them. 

I used the last of my energy and ran even quicker, until I bolted into an alley and I lost them. I took a breath of relief, that's until I heard a sokovian voice, "did you forget about me?" Came the thick accent, "Gah!!" And I took off again, except this time I bolted into the sky. 

I tried to fly just outside of New York, but then I got tackled and brought the the ground.  I kept struggling and struggling, but it was no use.  I waited for whoever was holding me to weaken their grip and to my pleasure they did, I took this as an advantage and shifted into a wolf.  I turned around and bared my fangs, growling at them.  They looked at me with wide eyes, and the captain took a step forward, I just barked at him and he flinched, " hey, hey, were not going to hurt you," he said in a soft voice, "yeah right, like I haven't heard that one before" again their eyes widened in surprise. "You can talk?" The winter soldier said, I didn't respond I just turned around and started walking, "hey, wait." I stopped and turned around, "who are you?" And Hawkeye stepped forward, "I'm a girl, who's had a rough life" and just as I was going to turn away, they stopped me again. "Can we see who you are?" The winter soldier asked, I shook my head," I've never been accepted before, it's not like you guys are going to accept me," I replied.

They looked at me with pitiful eyes, "does it look like we're normal?" Quicksilver asked, that got me, these people were super hero's, some who have been experimented on and left out. I sighed, "I can't believe I'm actually doing this," they looked at me with hopeful eyes. I took a deep breath and I could feel myself changing into my human form. I opened my eyes and looked to the ground, I knew what was coming, but it never came, I looked up only to see the entire avengers staring at me. "What?" I asked.

Captain America: We were almost done handing the robbers over the the police, until I heard the sound of a twig break.  We all slowly turned in that direction, I was about to tell the avengers not to frighten it away, but Thor just had to open his mouth.  "WHO'S THERE, COME OUT AND SHOW YOURSELF" he boomed, I glared daggers at him, but before I could open my mouth, whatever was hiding made a run for it. 

We all raced after it, but it was very fast.  It looked part animal part human, but before we could get any closer it transformed into a cheetah! I motioned for quick silver to follow and trap it if we aren't able to keep up, he nodded in response and sped off. "STOP, come back!!" I screamed after it, but I was ignored.

We were chasing for a couple of good minutes, but we lost it, until I heard a scream, only to see... IS THAT A PHOENIX!!! Shoot into the air. Before it could get far off the ground and out the state, I jumped up and tackled it. I brought it down to the ground and held my grip as it continued to struggle. It finally stopped so I relaxed a bit, but I shouldn't have done that because then it escaped and shifted into a wolf. My eyes widened in surprise and shock, it turned around, bared its fangs and growled. I tried coming up to it, but it just barked and bared it's fangs at me. I recoiled a little and then said, " hey, hey, we're not going to hurt you," she replied with, "yeah right, like I haven't heard that one before," she snapped.

My eyes widened once again and then The winter soldier stepped up and spoke, "you can talk?" He said. It didn't respond and started to walk away.  "Hey wait," Hawkeye strapped forward as it turned around, "who are you?" He asked. It responded," I'm a girl who's had a rough life," so it turns out 'it' is a 'she.' She started to turn around again until Bucky called out, "can we see who you are?" He asked, she shook her head, "I've never been accepted before, it's not like you guys are going to accept me," she said, we all looked at her with pitiful faces, majority of us were never accepted, we were experimented on and tortured, we know what it feels like to not be accepted.

"Does it look like we're normal," quicksilver said, that took her off guard, she thought about it and then sighed. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she said shaking her head. We all looked at her with hopeful gazes. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, I was amazed, her form started to shift from a wolf into a beautiful girl with h/l h/c hair, and e/c eyes. She wore a f/c tee, and some dark blue jeans, and some worn out shoes. I couldn't help but think, man, she is gorgeous.

Thor: I saw a beautiful midgargian before me, I️ don't know what came over me... I️ know it's wrong, I️ can't forget about Jane, but something about her attracts me...

Black widow: ... I couldn't help but stare.

Hulk: I instantly was mesmerized by her intense beauty, in sights like this I could easily calm down.

The winter soldier: I was drooling over her, I instantly looked over her, and was completely in awe.

Quicksilver: ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, she is the most beautiful being in the world.

Loki: I wasn't paying much attention, until I saw her start to morph. What surprised me even more was that her beauty was completely mesmerizing, I was standing there in awe.

The new girl(Avengers x reader/ shapeshifter)Where stories live. Discover now