Saki Sohma is the twin sister of Kyo and can also turn into a Cat when hugged by those of the opposite gender, only she is black and white instead of Orange. As well as her brother she needs the beads to repress the cat's true form. When she falls t...
Akito had me thrown into a well for something he decided I had done, even though I didn't, and I decided to stay at the bottom until he decided to have someone pull me up.....or until I got bored and climbed my way up whichever came first. It got very cold and being apart of the Sohma curse I transformed into a Cat, a black and white speckled cat.
The next morning I wake up, human, so I get dressed and start climbing. When I get to the top I immidiately notice I'm not where I was before. I start walking in a random direction and I end up in a village. From what I can see I'm in the feudal era.
All of a sudden I hear someone yell Sit and a loud bang noise of someone falling really hard on the ground. I walk over to where I heard the noise and I see a girl who looks a bit like me...clothes wise and four others who look from this time. "Hello."
All five of them look up at me. The one from my time walks up to me. "Your from my time!?" She asks.
"Yes." I said.
"I'm Kagome." She introduced. "This is Sango, Shippo, Miroku and Inuyasha."
I bowed. "I am Saki Sohma."
Kagome started to freak out. "Oh! Are you apart of the famous Sohma family? The one where everyone in your family basically look like Gods!?" She all but yelled.
"I wouldn't say that last part but I am a Sohma. Akito..... the head of our family had me thrown into a well for something I did not do. I'm just glad my 'punishment' wasn't something worse.....he could do worse." I replied a small shudder ran through my body.
~time skip~
I was with this small group for a while.....luckily Kyo and I trained almost constantly......if not for that I would've died in the first hour of traveling with them.
Kagome and Sango told me to watch out for Miroku because he was a pervert and had grabby hands. And they warned me that if he grabbed one of my hands with both of his or both of my hands that I should be prepared to hear him ask if I would bare his child. Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I wouldn't be able to he wasn't apart of the zodiac meaning that if he just hugged me I would transform into a Cat.