Saki Sohma is the twin sister of Kyo and can also turn into a Cat when hugged by those of the opposite gender, only she is black and white instead of Orange. As well as her brother she needs the beads to repress the cat's true form. When she falls t...
Saki, Kagome, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha were traveling back to Kaede's village when out of no where they are attacked. They fight for about a half hour before Miroku sees Saki about to be hit by a ball of acid, he pulls her out of the way and the force causes her to 'hug' him the way Tohru 'hugged' Kyo the first time. There is a cloud and a poof sound, and when the cloud clears Saki's clothes are on the ground and in her place is a Black and white cat.
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Inuyasha finished the fight with the acid spitting demons and the group regroups around Miroku.
"Where's Saki?" Sanyo asks.
Miroku points to her clothes and the cat.
"Did the acid turn her into nothing or did it turn her into a cat?" Shippo asked.
"No." Saki said.
Everyone looked to her cat form.
"Waaa?" Kagome asked.
"The Sohma family has a curse. Every so often a Sohma is born with the spirit of one of the animals in the zodiac. When hugged by someone of the opposite gender, who is not apart of the Zodiac, they will turn into the animal that's spirit inhabits them......we also turn when sick or cold. The cat however is not in the zodiac but it was supposed to be. Now the cat is an outsider......and is not accepted in the family.....for the cat has a special curse, one that they may keep hidden. My Twin brother and I share the cat curse. Mothers who give birth to Zodiac children have one of two reactions. They either become fiercely protective of their children or they reject them so completely they become sick, and the only way for them to get better is if they forget their child all together. Our mother rejected us....Kyo was born in his cat form I was born in my human form. When my father went to hold me I transformed into my cat form. Not everyone in the Sohma family transforms into an animal from the zodiac there are some who don't get the curse. Usually only thirteen get the curse. But my brother and I share the curse so there are fourteen of us who have the curse." Saki said. "I should turn back soon-" before she could finish a poof sound was heard and a large cloud of smoke appeared. Saki covered herself with her arms. Kagome stood in front of Saki and both Kagome and Sango yelled at the two boys.
I had gotten redressed. And everyone was silent for the rest of our walk until we camped for the night. And then before anyone could ask anything I fell asleep.