There's Faith In Love.

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It was hotter than hell today. 

I looked out the window to see the sun high in the mid-day sky. 

I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head, only to kick them off a moment later. 

It was too hot to stay in bed. 

Without the A/C. 

So, I got up and walked down the hall to set the temperature on the thermostat. 

"Don't freeze me out babe." Tony called. 

I smiled, "I'll try." I said. 

I set the temp to 65, and then went back to the bedroom. 

"What did you set it to?" Tony mumbled through the pillow. 

"Sixty-five." I said. 

"Damn, you're trying to make it a meat-locker in here." He said pulling me close to him. 

"Tony, wait until it cools off, it's too hot to cuddle right now." I groaned, trying to wiggle away. 

"Pretty soon you'll have no choice but to cuddle, or you'll freeze." he said. 

"Mom," Madison called. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Where's my favorite sweater?" She asked. 

"Probably in the dryer Madi." I said. 

Madison was seven now, Adam had just turned six, and the twins were five. 

Two years after Micah and Isaiah were born, Tony and I had another daughter named Megan Dawn Perry, who was now three years old, and two years after that we had our son Keaton Austin Perry, who was just barely a year old. 

And we still wanted more. 

Sarah and Mike had Luna who was six, Molly who was four, Twin boys, Fred and George, who were two and were expecting another set of twins, girls to be named Padma and Parvati, in the Fall. 

Jaime married Lisa three months after Marisa passed away, and now they have a son named Ethan August, and another on the way. 

As for Vic, he stayed single after Marisa passed away, and he and Elizabeth live in a house a few blocks over. 

Elizabeth is five, and looks almost exactly like Marisa.

"So I'm going back on the road in a week, will you be alright with the kids?" I asked. 

Tony nodded, "As always. You'd think after five years you'd trust me by now." He said. 

"I do trust you, I just worry about being away from them and you. After all this time, it hasn't gotten any easier." I said 

He smiled and kissed me, "You have absolutely nothing to worry about." He said. 

"Mama." Micah called. 

"Yes Princess?" I called. 

"I want to color, but Zay won't share his crowns." She said. 

"Isaiah Christian Perry, you'd better share with your sister or you won't have crayons at all. You shared the womb with her, a couple of crayons won't kill you."  

"Yes mommy." He said non-chalantly. 

"That's mommy's good boy, now give mommy a hug." I said. 

He ran in and leapt into my arms, hugging me tightly. 

"Love you mommy." He said. 

"I love you too sweetie." I said. 

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