I Can't Believe All Of These Beautiful Lies.

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I was still trying to figure out who was in the apartment with Tony when he died, but so far all I've found is that he lived alone and never had any friends over.

Today, I was going to Guitar Center to talk to Tony's co-worker Ally.

I walked in and the front was deserted.

I could picture Tony in here, strumming a guitar and just enjoying himself.

I wish I could've turned around and seen him, but I knew he was gone.

"Hello?" Someone called.

I looked up, "Ally Carter?" I asked.

"Yes, that's me." She said.

"Michelle Fuentes. We spoke on the phone." I said.

"Of course, it's nice to see you Mrs. Fuentes." She said.

"Please call me Michelle. So tell me what you knew about To- Erm, Julius." I said.

"He was quiet. I didn't know anything about him until one day he told me all about what happened and why he left. That's when I recognized who he really was, and he asked me out, and we had a date set for the next night, but he he died." She said.

"I'm just trying to figure out if there was someone in the apartment with him when he died. And if so, who was it, and why didn't they stop him?" I asked.

"I really don't think he knew anyone. I think he came to work and went home and that's it." She said.

"I just get the feeling that he wasn't alone that night." I said.

Then I told her about the picture in my purse on my wedding day.

"You think he did it?" She asked.

"I know he did, I just don't know how." I said.

"I know that Tony loved you, and that he just wanted you to be happy. That's why he left." She said.

"I know. I just wish he hadn't killed himself to make me happy." I said.

Ally smiled sympathetically, "He's looking down on you now." She said.

Next, Ally and I went to the apartment Tony had been living in.

I saw the couch where he died. The exact couch I'd seen when I saw him shoot himself.

I sat across from it and tried to figure it out.

In the two seconds I was sitting there, The vision came back to me, and it clicked.

I gasped.

"What?" Ally asked.

"It was me. I was here the night he killed himself." I said.

"How is that possible? You didn't know where he was." She said.

"I don't know how, but I know it was me. I remember cradling him in my arms and being covered in his blood. I remember kissing his head and waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

"How come the police didn't see you there?" Ally asked.

"I don't know. But now I remember. I remember taking a shower after throwing my clothes into the fireplace. I remember curling up against Vic and pretending I hadn't just witnessed Tony's suicide." I said.

"Why were you here, and why didn't you remember being here?" She asked.

"He called me. He gave up and called me, and I drove out here.

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