Blake 29 Scorpio

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"Coffee, must have coffee. Need Coffee...' The ramblings of my incoherent brain drive me forward, toward the little coffee shop on the corner. I need my fix, must get my fix!

I notice the lack of people around at this ungodly hour, probably still tucked up in their warm, cosy beds unlike me power walking to the end of the road toward the place that hold the sweet, sweet coffee. The smell hits me, making my mouth water as I enter the small cafe. With a quick glance around the dated interior I note I am one of three customers. I have never seen Millie's this empty however I don't usually frequent this place at 5:15 in the morning. What normal person does? The things I do for that boy. The things his does for you, my sorely lacking caffeine mind is extra snarky this early it seems.

I order my coffee and try to wrestle my black curls under some illusion of control whilst I wait. However my elbow length hair - which i really must get cut - just won't play ball and springs up in every direction. Today is so not my day. I am pretty sure at least one item of clothing is inside out and it's possible I brushed my tea with mascara.

With the first sip of my precious coffee I decide today maybe might turn out okay, I hope. It could be that the coffee goodness messing with me so I find the courage to check my appearance, not too shabby. My black leggings are clean and my jumper is in fact the right way. Yep teeth still white. Go me!

"Nooooo, my baby! Not the coffee, take me instead God." I yell unnecessarily loud when I turn and walk into the hard front of someone that magically appeared behind me. Who has stealthy ninja skills this early. It's unnatural.

"Don't panic Princess, I'm fine." A deep, smooth voice distracts me from my empty coffee cup laying vacant on the floor.  I slowly let me eyes drift up from strong, muscular looking legs towards a even more muscular looking chest in a form fitting black t shirt that allows me to unwilling gawp at every line and curve. I quickly snap out of my perverse thoughts when the owner of said delicious body clears his throat and my eyes instantly snap to meet his. Wow does his face do his body justice he is gorgeous, messy light brown hair coming to his ears and just above his sparkling hazel eyes. I wonder if has it highlighted? 

I continue to stand stunned in front of this man - extremely sexy man - until I notice the cocky smirk that tells me he knows what I was doing and well he's used to it, jerk. I fight the blush that threatens to make me look even more pathetic than I know I already do and pray that my brain will kick in any minute now. 

"See something you like?" His sexy voice assaults my ears again but that thankfully it kicks me into action. Get mad, he murdered our coffee. Took away the precious goodness. How dare he?

"Honestly not really... I just wanted to get a good look at the idiot that wasted perfect coffee." I snap back with a smirk of my own. I stand a little straighter and meet his eyes with fake confidence. Mad is good, drooling is bad.

"Sweetheart you walked into me." He jabs his finger into his chest drawing my eyes back there. Damn it. Oh he's still talking. "I suppose I could buy such a pretty lady a coffee. I am a gentleman like that." He says smoothly and I almost swoon, my anger failing me. I am just about to make an even bigger idiot of myself when I remember there is somewhere I have to be. Flirting with cute guys will have to wait.

"Forget it, I will be late. Ermm... Thanks though." I bark as I rush toward the under ground car park that holds His car. The beautiful Mustang that my dreams are made of but that I am aloud aloud to drive for this reason. The stupid traffic doesn't help me one bit as I stand there desperately waiting for a break in it. Where the hell did all these people come from?

I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn to look in that direction to find no one there, strange. When I turn to face the road again I let out a startled little scream when a cup of what smells like coffee is being thrust under my nose by none other than Mr Coffee Spiller himself.

"My Dad always warned me don't take food from strangers?" Come on damn traffic so much for nobody around. What are all these people doing, it's a Sunday. Day of rest and all that... So not important right now I ramble to myself. 

"It's drink, not food so I think that voids the rule." He states confidently, his eyes never leaving mine as I just raise my eyebrow in response before glancing back at the raging traffic. Here's my break. Finally.

"Blake, 29 and Scorpio. There I am no longer a stranger." He smiles and I can't suppress the laugh that comes out of my mouth as he pushes the coffee into my hand.

"Well?" He eyes me expectantly. "You are...?"

"Late." I reply as I dash through the break in the traffic only pausing when I get to the other side, turning back towards Blake who is still standing in the same spot watching me in what I can only describe as amusement.

"Thanks for the coffee Blake 29 Scorpio." I grin and turn into the car park. God I am so late, he will kill me.

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