The Devil Himself

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It has been a couple of days since my date with Blake and I am still stunned. My mind is filled with so many questions that I doubt I will ever get answers too. I want to help him. I want to find her and help them both.

What could she have seen that made her disappear?

Where is she?

Is she even alive?

But the one I that has me the most curious is who is the 'HIM' Blake is so desperate to destroy? I don't know why I even let this get to me I suppose my Papa was right I am to curious for my own good. Thinking of my Papa brings up painful memories of the day he left and never returned, my mothers heartbroken sobs through the night, her constant prayers that he is alive and will come back to her. I used to hope too but as weeks turned into months and my mothers health deteriorated so did my hope. I used to lay awake at night wonder if he was still alive somewhere but then he wouldn't have left us for so long. I wish I could ease Blake's pain but the cold hard truth is I can't, nothing can.

As I sit on the sofa watching a some program, not that I am really watching its just on as back ground noise to help distract me from my raging thoughts. Danny hasn't been home since before my date and I can't help but worry about him. He has been so withdrawn and distant since the night I was shot. I have tried to ring him but it goes to voicemail so I figured he is ignoring me and in turn I am ignoring Blake.

The problem is I do have feelings for Blake but he scares me, he turned cold so quickly on our date that I couldn't wait to get home. He has this edge to him that screams danger but there is something I just can't stay away from. I am so messed up.

My eyes start to droop as the exhaustion takes over. I have been having trouble sleeping here alone. This is the first time I have slept in this apartment alone since that night and I am plagued by nightmares and flashbacks that seems so real, I wake up crying and expecting pain. The only saving grace is my little boy is gone, he no longer visits me to torture my soul further.

I drift, my eyes so heavy...

There is blood everywhere, the cream towel doing nothing to soak it up, it just keeps flowing. The pain racks my body as I just lay the screaming from the agony but no sound leaves me. My lungs are burning in protest but still no sound escapes me. I am alone anyway nobody would hear me, nobody will help me.

There is so much blood now, it is flowing almost gracefully out of the hole in the now crimson towel that covers my broken, pain riddled body. I am going to die, I can feel the warmth of death wrapping itself around my body. The pain is subsiding, it's almost a sadistic tickle now. I can leave now, I can go to Mama.

But what about Danny?


I can't leave Danny here alone, he needs me. I am all he has.

Danny! I don't want to die!

I try to fight the warmness and feel myself shake. The ground is shaking.

I am going to hell instead?

"Madeline!" A strong masculine voice commands my attention. He is the devil, I am in Hell! I steel myself ready to face the devil himself...


"Princess, it was only a dream." He whispers as he strokes my hair soothingly as I cling to him. I don't know how I ended up on his knee as he sits, curled up on the floor. I don't care either as I greedily seek all the comfort and peace I possibly can from him. My dream still fresh in my mind.

"You left me." I choke out as my body shudders against his. He says nothing but holds me tighter as I continue to cry. We sit for what feels like hours, neither of us speaking. What is there to say anymore we are both broken in our own way.

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