The Truth

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I keep driving and driving with no destination in mind, I just want to escape. However can one from from the demons in their own head? I can give it my best shot. Danny has been ringing me constantly which can only mean he knows that I know. What do I really know? Will he kill me too? Will I end up like the Rosa girl in the picture? How have I not seen anything to warn me? Is any of this even true? Could it be possible that my Papa is.... Alive.

I realise I have stopped the car and started to sob at the possibilities this holds, if my Papa is alive and that he is also a murderer. Danny knows but he never told me, that's the thing I am struggling with the most as pathetic and selfish as it may sound. How could he watch me suffer? My mother died and Danny could of saved her. Does my Papa know my Mama died? That in '1a sense killed her. Her heart just couldn't heal from his loss. We never had closure, maybe because there was none to give. Didn't he ever want to see me? Maybe he just didn't love me anymore.

A knock on my window startles me and I jump in my seat to face the intruder of my silence. Fear and anger take my body hostage as I stare into the blue eyes that once brought me comfort, once brought me love. Now they seem foreign and strange. Are these what murderers eyes look like?

"Mads get out we need to talk." He orders stepping away from the door. Like he really get to order me around anymore. He's lied to me for god only knows how long.

"Go away Daniel! I don't want to see you right now." I shout the fear making my voice tremble, but I won't back down - I can't. I twist hitting the lock button.

"So Blake gets his chance to tell 'his' truth but I can't? That's bullshit Mads and you know it." He yells running his hand through his hair slightly pulling it at the roots. After everything I have learned I still have the need to comfort him but fight against it.

"Okay Madeline your way as usual. So what did he say to you? Maybe I am a bad guy or some other shit but how will you ever know if you run from this? If you run from me?" I don't think I am meant to hear the last part but I do. I sit staring at my entwined hands on my lap trying desperately to make a decision, run away or stay and fight?

"WHAT?!........Does she know?.........I ASKED YOU DOES SHE FUCKING KNOW?!" I tense until I realise he is screaming into his phone. Is the she me? Is he finding out what I know? Will I be the next Rosa? Did the same happen to Bella? Oh god Bella! What did he do to her? Once again I am dragged from my thoughts by him knocking on my window the fear intensifying by the second.

"Madeline please get out the car or at least throw your coat through the window and I will back far away until the window is shut again....please?" He seems pained and also disgusted. What does he want my coat for?


He doesn't respond but starts tapping furiously away on his iphone confusing me further - if that's possible - until he holds it up to the window so I can see the screen.

*Blake put a listening device in your pocket he can hear everything you say. So either go in your pocket and pull out whatever you didn't put in there or give me your coat please*

Oh my god! Can he do that? I don't hesitate to completely jump out the car passing Danny my coat. I watch whilst he goes through my pocket pull out what looks like a small black button from an item of clothing and pale.

"Danny I swear I...." He silences me by holding up his hand as he turns and makes his way toward his car. He is leaving now when two minutes ago all I wanted was him to leave. I am alone in the world now.

I watch as he takes out a bottle of water and places the button into the liquid before shaking it vigorously then throwing the bottle as far as he can across the next field.

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