Do I Need A Lawyer

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Three weeks of constant phone calls from Blake, all of which I have ignored. You would think he would just take the hint. It's for his own good. Three weeks of incessant knocking and fussing from Danny, which I unfortunately can't ignore considering we live together. All in all I am about to lose my mind. What's left of it.

Is it wrong that I want to wallow in my own pity? Is it wrong that I just want to grieve the loss of something I never had in the first place? Or for what could have been? Am I wrong to feel like I have lost an important part of myself I don't know if I can recover from?

I hear Blake before he barges into my room staring wide eyed at my appearance, so what I look a mess, what does he expect. I didn't invite him here so screw what he thinks. I frown at him and Danny stood in my door way.

"Can I help you with something?" I snarl. How dare they judge me! I was fucking shot. That shit hurts so they can go to hell if they think I care about how I look.

"Right, that's enough. Get dressed." Blake orders causing me to scoff at his audacity.

"I mean it Madeline... Come on." He demands making his way over to my closet, throwing open the doors then beginning his search.

"Daniel can you get the curtain and judging by the smell in here put the shower on please." He asks a lot friendlier than I have ever seen these two and more shocking still, Danny only nods then complies. He takes an order. From Blake.

"When did you two become best buds?" I mock, more interested than I am letting on.

"Oh we still can't stand each other but we have a common interest in this." Danny laughs but I can see he's serious.

"Now where's the underwear?" Blake muses with a smirk.

"Watch it cop, your pushing it." Danny warns from the bathroom causing him to howl in laughter and me to shake my head in dismay.

"Do I have to assist you with a shower or will you be a big girl and go wash the stink off yourself?" Danny teases and both Blake and I scowl.

"Fine but just know I hate you... both of you." I snap before dragging myself out of bed. I guess this is what an intervention feels like.


"So where are we going?" I ask Blake as I sit in the passenger seat of his black Range Rover. Typical.

"Well since it looks like you haven't eaten in a while my first task is to fatten you up a bit." He raises a challenging eyebrow daring me to disagree but I don't, food sounds tempting right now. I can't remember the last time I ate, most of the meals Danny leaves at my door go untouched. I think it maybe more self preservation reason than my withdrawal from life. It's still kinda sweet he tried though.

We pull up to a small and intimate looking cafe and I couldn't be more pleased when we are seated in a little booth in the far corner almost hidden from the world. The last thing I want right now is to be crowded, I like how he knew that. We both order a stake with all the trimming and a cappuccino. My stomach starts to rumble at the thought of food causing me to blush under Blake's amused smirk.

"Somebody hungry?" He teases with a smile.

"Shut up."

"Maybe if you ate more the beast in there wouldn't embarrass you."

"I haven't exactly felt like it." I say harshly and feel guilty at my response. He doesn't deserve my attitude, neither of them do.

"I'm sorry Blake."

"Don't sweat it, your sexy when your angry." He states so smoothly I can't contain my easy laughter. It feels like so long since I laughed. Real genuine laughter isn't something I do all that often since....

"Though your best look is that one I have to admit." He whisper and I blush beat red. The waiter places our plates down and we dig in without hesitation. God I am starving, my mouth is watering so bad I am scared I might dribble.

"How well do you know Danny?" His question is so out of the blue it throws me a little. He wants to talk about Danny on our first date. Is an intervention a date?

"Since we were babies, I guess. His family knew my family and after everything we just always stuck together. He's like my big brother always there for me. I think we kinda grew closer when he beat up my bully." I smile at the thought of him and the memory of how we became best friends. I am so lucky to have a friend like him.

"Everything?" He asks, looking at me with deep curiosity, it unsettling. The look in his eyes is like a warning.

"Erm well..." I take a drink to clear my throat. "Well we have been through a lot together." I say not wanting to elaborate on my family and Danny's family. It's our business, family stuff. I don't know Blake well enough to spill my secrets or past. I'm not sure I ever will.

"Alot..?" He says again in the same tone.

"Do I need a lawyer?" I joke but he doesn't smile. Okay... Awkward.

"Do you think you need one?" He raises his eyebrow and my hackles rise. Why does this feel like an interrogation? It's clearly not a date.

"Okay, I think I want to go home now." I say making a stand to put my coat on, my appetite has completely gone and now I just feel sick. The pain from my sudden movement not helping at all. I feel his hand hand on my arm and automatically tense.

"It was a joke Mads, obviously not a funny one but please don't leave." He say gently as if talking to a cornered animal. I continue to put my coat on feeling uncomfortable with him. If this is how he acts when I don't tell him my life story on our first - not a date - date then I can't handle this.

"I just wanted to know if he's a threat." He runs his hand through his hair, his face twists with frustration. "You live with the guy for Christ sake. I just wanted to know if I was getting in the middle of something more than friendship." He frowns and I relax a little. So that's what this is, insecurity. I should have seen this coming.

"You could of just asked that then." I reply but do not answer the question, I feel a little evil for letting him stew.

"Well...?" He prompts.

"Well what?" I smile, I purposely make him ask, enjoying his torment a little more than I should.

"Has there been anything between you and him?" He grits out, he really doesn't find this amusing, unlike me.

"Oh that, why didn't you say. No there has not, I mean we kissed a few years ago but that is it. Honestly." I smile when his relief is evident, I never knew it was that important to him.

"Well that's good at least." The rest of the meal we chat about light stuff, Danny staying well out of the conversation. I think he is a red zone for both of us. I feel the days activities catching up with me when I yawn and do a mini stretch. Some movements still hurt but physically I feel better each day. Mentally though... Nope not going there right now.

 "Should we get you home sleeping beauty?"  I nod and he throws the money for dinner on the table refusing to let me pay half.

"Thank you for dragging me out Blake." I smile when we arrive outside my apartment. I lean in to kiss his cheek when he capture my lips firmly, taking me by surprise. His lips move in sync with mine, he runs his tongue along my bottom lip causing me to open my mouth in surprise. Without missing a beat his tongue explores my mouth as his hands roam my hips and back pulling me closer. When we finally break away both panting for breath resting our forehead together. Wow... Unexpected but nice. I think.

"The pleasure was all mine." He breaths, his minty breath fanning my face.

"Goodnight Blake." I smile as i get out the car and walk away.

"Goodnight Madeline.

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