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A sharp snap drags me out of the darkness, although I am not too sure I am really awake. Everything is so bright it feels like my eye is on fire and for a split second I feel grateful only one will open. I can't decide which feeling wins out - fear or relief - when a looming shadow dulls the light.

Yep, it's gotta be a dream.

"Mads? Madeline? Princess can you hear me?"

"Da...." My mouth won't comply. "Dan..."

"Yeah Princess, I am here now. Don't speak Princess, I am going to get you out of here now." He whispers. I wish I could see him clearly, I want to tell him not to cry, it doesn't hurt no more. I am numb.

Maybe not so numb. A scream tears itself from my burning lungs when I feel myself being lifted towards something warm and hard.

"Sorry Princess, I am so, so sorry. I should of got here sooner, I swear I tried. Sleep now you're safe." He sound so torn, so broken. I need to comfort him, he needs me.

"I...okaay. Dannnnnnn....Officerrr Slimy...." My body protests as I do my best to look around for the creep. A lump on the floor catches my eye and I stare hard trying to see better. It is only when I see his face that I notice the heap is Officer Slimy. His head is at such an odd angle.

"He's dead." Danny confirms my thoughts.

"I told you." I croak at the heap. " I told him Danny." I breath out. I can't stop the smile that pains my face. I told him he would die first.

"Okay Princess, let's go home."

"I don't believe that was the deal. I don't see my sister, so she ain't leaving alive." My body shudders at Blake's cold, hard voice.

"The fucking deal. THE FUCKING DEAL! Look at her. FUCKING LOOK AT HER! You said she wouldn't be hurt Frost! I should fucking gut you where you fucking stand." Danny fumes, his body shakes in fury.

"I said I wouldn't hurt her. Not she wouldn't be hurt. Where is my sister?" Blake retorts and I want to call him out but I don't have the energy. He did most of the damage I am currently fight to give into. 

"I said I would bring her back, not that I would bring her to you." Danny snarls back. I can feel steady movements but have no idea what's happening.

"It is not wise to mess with me Cortez, more so when I have a gun pointed at your little whores head." With his words my body snaps to attention. A gun....not another gun. A shudder runs unwittingly through my body and Danny tightens his hold painfully so.

"Ring your wife Frost." Danny says calmly, almost bored sounding. How the hell can he be so bloody calm. He has a gun. A gun.

"If you have so much as touched my Michelle, I will make you and her wish I killed her before!" Blake seethes and I shudder in the arms of a deadly calm Danny. 

"A fucking gun won't save you from me Frost. I can assure you that you are not ready for the hell you have unleashed but like I said call your damn wife." Danny bites back all the time I can feel us slowly moving.

"Don't worry Mads, I would never let anyone hurt you whilst I am here." Danny whispers softly and a memory cause my stomach to clench painfully. God I hurt all over.

"You let her shoot me." I grit out past the pain. The emotional pain just as draining as my battered body.

"Madeline..." He looks so much older I think strangely. Stress really does add years to a person.

"Don't Danny. I don't think I can face the reasons right now. Please don't. I don't want to play right or wrong now. I just want to sleep."

"I need to put you down now. Just for a minute whilst I end this bastard." He whispers against my ears as once again my body is painfully jostled about. This time I bite the scream of agony as something feels like it gives way inside of me. He kisses my head and moves an overturned table to protect me from whatever he is about to do.

"I Love You Madeline." He mumbles placing a gentle kiss on my throbbing forehead before he stands. Bite the bullet Madeline I scold myself.


"Yeah?" He answers, his face a mask of hope and longing.

"Don't kill him...please." I plead. Say it Madeline. Look at the hurt in his beautiful eyes. Tell him!

"I Love You Daniel." I attempt a smile to match his but fail painfully.

I Always Have....

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