tom x BULLIED!reader Part 2

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you, tom, matt, edd thought about going out on a nice dinner. not like a date thing. as we walked there, some girls form school are there. you paused, wanting to leave. the blonde began to yell.

"HEY LOSER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" she yelled. crap. i looked over at the guys. awesome. they thought they were talking to someone else. as we walked, the blonde walked over, and pushed me. i let out a yelp. she began to laugh. tom let out a snarl, but the girl looked at me, then back at me. she walked away. You sat down next to tom. Um. I don't know anymore .-.
After diner, you sat in you bed, and was crying. You looked over at you dresser, and pulled out a knife, and began to cut yourself. Blood ran down your arms.

(Tom's pov)
Y/n was acting weird. She had been locked in her room all day, and won't come out. I knocked on the door, 2 times. She opened it.
"What.,"she asked, her hands bloody as crap.
"Y/n! What the..! You arms!"
She looked at her feet, and i hugged her. She hugged me back.  She wispers
"I love you tom"
I kissed her head.
"I love to to.. y/n"q

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