Highschool! matt x HIGHSCHIOOOOOOLL reader

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You, your friends were walking down the hallway. You dumped into a guy with ginger hair and you gasped.
"I am so sorry sir!"
"No, it's OK. I'm Matt."
"I'm (y/n)
"Hi!" Then he paused, with eyes going all derp like. "Who am i?"
I giggled. My friends began to whisper.
I let out an angry growl. One of his friends smiled,
"I'm Edd, this no eyes is tom, and this is Tord" he laughed.
I left my friends and walked over to them. You, y/n l/n was the riches girl in the school and you didn't like it. You walked along with the guys. You friends were bully. Mean. Selfish. You sometime thought you were a marry sue. But, your wrong. You suddenly bonked into the wall. You let out a groan, and Edd laughed.
"You are on Matt's level now, it's not a good thing!" Tom let out a laugh. Matt sighed. I gigged. we walked to class, and I sighed.

" i got math."

"dang. i got history with edd." mutters tom.

"i got math, too (y/n)!" Matt says happily.

"I got... art." tord says, walking away.

as me and matt walked along the hallway, matt stopped at the math room. i walked in, and sat down. boring.

(le timeskip/ a/n: ok, so, i'm going to do a tord x reader soon. but, READ THIS!)
I placed my stuff on the lunch table, and began to eat a pickle. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I seen matt. He sat down, and pulled out a mirror. Matt turned the mirror to were I can see me and him. I blushed a little bit. Tord, tom, and edd walked over. I began to draw a wolf.

 I began to draw a wolf

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Edd gasped. "DANG!"
  I smiled, and placed it inside my pocket. Matt mutters something, and I placed my head on the table. Highschool is hard. I used my hoodie to pull it over my head. I heard the bell. yes. time to go. i smiled and left.

(timeskip, home.)

I heard a knock on the door, and i answered it. Matt smiled. i smiled back.

"y/n, i have something to tell you." matt smiled. i looked confused. matt pulled me into a kiss. i melted into it.

"i love you." 

"I love you too."


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