Oh My God! Not Another Arranged Marriage Story! emo chick + preppyish guy = CHAOS!!! Chapter 25.

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Hey, ya'll! Just wanted to post a day quicker than normal, because I just wanted to surprise you! THAT'S how much I love you! :)










PLEASE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? THANK YOU!

Recap: Little did I know, there stood an incredibly cute guy with his arm around Liz's waist. He smiled and nodded his head, a sign of acknowledgement. I smiled back and lightly elbowed Liz in the stomach, waggling my eyebrows.

She laughed and blushed a bit, pink staining her cheeks, gradually growing a deeper shade of red.

"Hey, so I'm Miranda, Liz's hoe. And this here," I said motioning to Jesse "is my boyfriend Jesse."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." He had a bit of a... British accent? And damn, there is nothing sexier on a guy than a British accent... Go Liz!

"You too, but I think we're going to go now and leave you two lovebirds alone." I winked and smiled at Liz while me and Jesse walked away. "Oh and use protection... always!" I laughed...

And that's when it hit me. Quite like a baseball to the stomach... rather painful.

I spun around to face Jesse with a look of confusion, anger, and fear mixed together into one.

"Did you use a fucking condom?!"

And his face went completely blank, emotionless...

"Well did you? Fucking answer me God dammit!" I screamed at him. He pulled it together and his face turned to one of outright shock and fear. His dark hair was falling around his face in a way I couldn't even describe; his piercing blue eyes held mine for an immeasurable amount of time.

"We need to talk outside, okay? Can we talk outside?" He pleaded. I briefly nodded my head; my dark bangs falling over one eye, making me look all the angrier. I was leading, pushing my way through the crowd of ignorant teenagers, most of which didn't even attend my school. I rolled my eyes, focused on getting out of the too-crowded house. A headache started to set on and I clamped two of my fingers on the bridge of my nose, trying to relieve the pain.

Not watching where I was going, I bumped into a girl around my age. She turned around immediately and pushed my shoulders, me falling back into Jesse. I lifted my head, a murderous look on my face.

"What the fuck was that?" I screamed.

"Watch where you're going bitch." She sneered, a sick smile spread across her fucked up face.

"You know what? I'm not in the fucking mood for this shit, okay?!" She walked up, smile still on her chubby face, and pushed me yet again. I stumbled back, tripping over my feet and fell into Jesse again.

"Leave it be." He whispered in my ear.

"Can't do that honey." And I launched towards the bitch in front of me. Her eyes widened at my oncoming figure and she shrank back against the crowd, almost disappearing into the dark shadows behind her. All of a sudden I felt arms wrap around my waist, holding me back. Taking advantage of my temporary delay, the bitch made a run for it, being lost in the numerous dark figures around her.

"Yeah you better run bitch! Don't start shit you cant back up!" I screamed after her. "You can let go of me now Jesse."

"I know, but I don't want to let you go." He whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear. I rolled my eyes and pried his death grip off of my waist.

"Do you really think this is the time for that?!" I bitched. "God, I could be pregnant! So come on daddy! Let's go talk about this." I emphasized the "daddy" part. His eyes grew wide as I turned around to him and I snickered a dark laugh. Though his eyes were wide, they held none of the warm I once knew in them. The loving eyes I knew on him now held a dark emotion that I couldn't read.

"Come on." I said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him through the door that led outside.

The cool night air blew my hair in every direction, whipping it around my face at rapid speeds, making me wince every time it made a connection with my skin. I'd always been a major flincher. My breath made mist in the cold air as we walked down the sidewalk to a bench, located at the end of the cobblestone driveway.

I walked up to the bench and sat down, jumping up a bit as the cold wood touched me. I settled down into the corner of the bench, pulling my legs up to my stomach and wresting my head on my knees. Jesse took a seat next to me, running his fingers through his hair, whilst letting out a big breath.

"So, tell me. Did you use a condom or not?" I asked, much calmer than before.

"Well... how long ago was that three, four weeks? God, Miranda, I don't remember." He sighed again. I groaned and fell forward, curling into a ball against his chest. I felt his torso rising and falling with every steady breath he took, and somehow it calmed me knowing he was here with me. He pulled me up and set me down in his lap, enclosing my small frame in his arms.

"What are we going to do?" I mumbled. I felt him shrug beneath me and I closed my eyes, silently praying this would all turn out to be some kind of sick joke. But I knew it wouldn't. I knew that no matter how much I wanted this to all be false it was real. It was as real as it could get.

And that's what scared me so damn bad...


Hey, just wanted to type something real quickly for you guys to read. :) But now I'm going to go to the city located near my town and I'm going to Hot Topic! :D


Sorry, that's my favorite store lol.











Enjoy your early-by-one-day chapter!

Love you!

- Syn<3

P.S. I'm sorry to all of you guys that may not like my story now... Losing a couple fans would make me extremely sad, but if that's what I have to sacrifice for my story then so be it. A true fan would stick with "OMG..." though! I promise it won't disappoint!

Oh My God! Not Another Arranged Marriage Story! emo chick + preppyish guy = CHAOS!!!Where stories live. Discover now