Oh My God! Not Another Arranged Marriage Story! emo chick + preppyish guy = CHAOS!!! Chapter 21.

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Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter is kind of weird, I was listening to Scotty Vanity the entire time I wrote this, so... yeah! :) My favorite songs of his are "Slut", "I Wanna Do Your Makeup", "I Like Your Hair" and "Let's Go To The Mall"

If you don't know him then be sure to check him out on youtube! He's amazing!

*Three weeks later*

"Okay class, your homework is questions 12-42 evens on page 363. I expect you to have it done or you'll be presented with a wonderful detention." Mr. Walker said in cheery voice, whilst rubbing his hands together. Oh, now he's going medieval on me? That's nice.

I rolled my eyes and gathered my books, longing for it to be lunchtime. But no, it was only second period. I had another two periods to go before I got to see Jesse. It was slowly killing me inside, as it would anyone else. But I kept my mouth closed and battled my way through the day, in silent agony.

I made my way through the crowded halls, avoiding people at all costs. Today was not a good day. I woke up late, couldn't get my hair straightened the way I wanted, and had no clean clothes, resulting in me having to wear Jesse's shorts, and an old shirt I haven't touched in years.

I looked like shit, and I'm pretty sure the expression on my face told people to stay the fuck away, because nobody had even attempted to approach me.

Until now...

"Miranda!" I heard my named being called and silently prayed that they were talking to someone else. But I was wrong. Liz came up and grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around to face her.

"Why were you ignoring me you whore?" She said jokingly. I laughed for the first time that day and draped my arm around her, guiding her in my direction.

"Bad day?" It sounded more like a question, even to my own ears.

"Oh... understandable. So...?" She asked.

"What?" I was completely clueless as to what she was talking about, and was kind of frightened to find out.

"Are you going to Landon's party? It's supposed to be a-maz-ing!" She made sure to emphasize every part of the word. I laughed and said I didn't think I'd make it.

Liz wasn't happy about this and started to get the puppy dog look in her eyes. Just to let you know, I'm a complete sucker for it. I contemplated it for a long moment, deciding whether or not to give in. It was all in vain though, because I just could not resist the puppy dog face. It's a terrible curse, it really is.

"Ugh, fine, but you-" But I soon stopped talking as a wave of nausea washed over me, like the salty tides on a beach. I tried to swallow down the bile that was rising in my throat, but it had other ideas and I quickly ran from Liz, in the direction of the nearest restroom.

I barely made it in time and I rushed to the closest stall, as I was receiving nasty looks from all the other girls in the bathroom, primping themselves for people they wanted to impress.

I slammed the door behind me, bending over the toilet, as I got sick. I tried to hold my hair back as the bile rose in my throat and I threw up. I just sat there for a moment on the floor of the bathroom stall, in pure agony. I took deep, calming breaths, trying to steady my breathing and get over the nauseas feeling in my stomach, but it was all a waste of time, for I got sick once again in the toilet.

I heard girls make disgusted noises on the other side of the stall and blocked them out, only thinking about calming my stomach down. I sat up and leaned my head against the stall, willing myself not to throw up again.

When my stomach started to feel better and I was sure I'd be fine to leave, I opened the stall door to find myself alone in the bathroom. I walked to the mirror and rinsed my mouth out, desperately wishing I had a toothbrush and toothpaste, or in the very least a piece of mint gum to get the awful taste out of my mouth. I looked up into the mirror and fished my eyeliner out of my pocket, tracing a thick line around my eyes, touching up my makeup. Not bothering with my mascara, I slowly trudged out of the bathroom and walking in the direction of my next class.

My feet made loud noises in the too-empty hallways, as I raced through them, trying to make it to my next class. I had lost track of time in the bathroom, but I knew I was in there for a long while, for there was not one single soul in any of the hallways. I gradually slowed down as I came upon the door for my next class. I quietly and silently slipped through the door, trying not to draw attention to myself. However, being invisible was not in store for me I quickly found out as Mr. Jones' voice rang quite loud throughout the classroom.

"Hello Miranda, it is a pleasure for you to join us. May I ask what your dilemma was?" Oh shit. I cringed as those words boomed around the silent room, students staring at me from every direction. I was really hoping I wouldn't be noticed. Well crap.

"Um... I was in the bathroom?" It sounded more like a question, even to my own ears, causing Mr. Jones to doubt my reason for being late. He thought for a moment, but quickly dismissed it and motioned for me to take my seat.

"You're lucky I'm such an amazing teacher Ms. Miranda." He sighed.

"Yes, I am. Thank you Mr. Jones." Ha! See, I can be respectful to teachers... as long as they're not bitchy.

I quickly took my seat and got my notes out as Mr. Jones started to teach. The next two periods when by without problems, and fairly fast.

As the lunch bell rang I jumped out of my seat and practically ran to my locker, throwing my books inside and sprinting in the opposite direction I came from. Although my hopes of getting to lunch quickly were soon crushed as I ran into something... no wait, a someone.

The first thing I took in was his chest; broad and toned. I knew who it was immediately and wrapped my arms around him before I even looked at his face.

"I missed you." I mumbled, my voice sounding muffled, into his shirt. I felt the deep rumbled as he laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I missed you too." He said, and leaned down, kissing me softly.

"Ugh, get a room!"

"Yo, save that for the bedroom!"

"Hey Lenny! That's as close as you'll ever get to kissing someone, so take it in now!"

I rolled my eyes at the last one and Jesse and me started walked down the hallway, towards lunch. His hand reached out and gripped my as the words I so desperately didn't want to hear droned out of his mouth.

"So... do you want to go to Landon's party?" He asked. Ha.

"Um, no. But Liz asked me and I cant say no to her." I complained, but he only laughed. Grrrr, he could be such a jerk sometimes.

"Well then, I guess we're going to a party!" He replied, as he forcibly dragged me into the lunchroom.


Okay, so I read TheSpirits message and it said that this chick is stealing all of us wattpadders stories! I told you this because I want it to get as far as possible, and warn as many people as I can! If you have stories on here, then please go to this link and check her stories to see if she has copied yours! AND PLEASE REPORT HER! She deserves it.




I will no longer have requirements for uploading future chapters, but I still ask that you do comment and vote, only so I know what you do think of it!

Thank you guys! I love you!

- Syn<3

Oh My God! Not Another Arranged Marriage Story! emo chick + preppyish guy = CHAOS!!!Where stories live. Discover now