Unraveling the Truth

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Sinu took a few steps back into the waiting room after witnessing the exchange between her daughters doctor and her apparent partner. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, she noted as she placed her shaky hand on her chest, taking a few deep breathes to calm herself.

It had been almost thirty years since she had last seen the brunette in the red bomber jacket and yet she recognized her immediately.

Although she had only seen photographs, of when she had been sixteen, the woman hadn't aged a day. And she looked much too much like her youngest daughter.

Sinu gasped when she felt a hand gently rest on her lower back and she turned, eyes wide to see a concerned Camila, eyebrows furrowed and eyes swimming in concern.

"Mamí - are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost," she placed her hand on top of her mothers and almost gasped herself when she felt her heartbeat. "Mom your heart rate is through the roof, what happened? Are you okay?"

Sinu mutely nodded but felt as though she couldn't breathe. Her face was quickly turning pale and she felt her legs begin shaking rapidly.

Camila took notice of this and quickly led her mother to one of the many empty chairs, her face growing more concerned. "I'm going to go get a nurse mom. Stay right here." She quickly exited the waiting room, bumping into her wife and stumbling back, who seemed to be entering, on her way.

Lauren immediately grabbed her arms to steady the petite girl and frowned at the look of concern on her face. "Hey babe, what is it?"

Camila looked up into green eyes and bit her lip, shrugging helplessly and shaking her head. "There's something up with my mom, her heart rate just spiked way up. I'm going to get a nurse to check on her."

Lauren frowned worriedly, glancing over Camila's head at her mother in law before looking back at her wife. "Do you want me to stay with you? I can get your dad to take the girls home instead."

"No, no it's fine." Camila shook her head, leaning up ever so slightly to press a kiss to Lauren's cheek. "Take them home, get them changed and bathed and put them to bed, it's really late. I'll get my mom checked and come home after."

Lauren nodded and gave the shorter girl a kiss, bidding her goodbye before returning to Ally's room to gather her tired children.


"I told you I was fine, mija," Sinu chastised as she and Camila exited her exam room almost an hour later. "We wasted time and money getting that done." She huffed.

Camila rolled her eyes as they walked towards the waiting room where her father was. "It's better to be safe than sorry, Mamí. You didn't look good at all, I was worried."

"Hm, well I'm fine. Now go get your father, I will wait here for you both." Sinu motioned to a row of chairs and was about to sit down when she heard her name being called by the nurse who had been helping her.

"Mrs. Cabello, it seems like you didn't fill out your form all the way. Would you like to come back inside and fill it?" The nurse asked, giving them a polite smile.

Sinu straightened her back, walking towards the reception desk with Camila following behind her. "No, I'll do it here."

"Alright, now, your first pregnancy, did you carry that to full term?"

Camila leaned against the desk, looking at her mother as she awaited the answer, and seemed to notice her pale once more.

The older woman gripped her handbag tighter and she spoke with a confident tone, as to not make her daughter anymore suspicious than she already was. However, the answer would prove this to be redundant. "Yes, I did."

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