A/N !!

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Hey guys!! I have a few things to talk about.

For one; what happened with 5h this week, and Camila leaving, I wanna say I'm so upset about it and I couldn't stop crying about it yesterday. I don't know who to believe when it comes to the statements from the girls, even though I'm convinced it was management and not them, or from Camila.

I will continue writing Camren fics, and will always support both LAND and Camila in their endeavors.

I'm always OT5 as fuck no matter what.

And two, I have a new fic!! It's a texting fic, Camren of course, but also including Princess Mechanic (my ride or die, not even kidding) and Normally. And also, Dinah x Niall.

Please go check it out, vote and comment. I promise it's so funny.

"hello" (camren) -> http://my.w.tt/UiNb/ng5tbKu6iz

For the Love of our Child (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now