Chapter One: Work & Moving

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Imogen's pov

I ran downstairs late for my shift at the car shop. I snatched my keys from my brother Alex and ran to the door and slipped my boots on and ran out to my truck. Might have forgot to mention my parents left us everything and they may or may not have been rich. I jumped in my truck and sped off the shop. When I got there. People were angry. Well the workers were. I went inside and lived in and got right to work. I was working on a porsche.

"You the mechanic?" Someone asked and I grunted in response.

"I need my car done by five. I'll pay you double." The voice asked and I chuckled.

"Your radiator is shit man and Your breaks are shot." I said and rolled out and stood up.

"It can be don't by 530 the latest." I said wiping my hands.

"Your working on my car. But your a girl." He sneered and I looked at his car.

"Look as much as I would love to give you a piece of my mind for saying that I won't cause your car won't fix it by its self. Now I'm the best at what I do so unless you want a shit for car I suggest you come back when your car is done." I said and he clenched his jaw.

"Don't ruin my car. I'll be back by 530." He sneered and walked off shoving my co workers out the way.

"Well damn I'm shocked you didn't hit him." Clark said and I huffed and said he's a rich pretty boy. I don't feel like being arrested again. I got to work and by 528 I had just finished putting the breaks on. I put the tires on and got up and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I had grease all over me.

"Is my car done?" The rich boy asked rudely and I bit my tongue.

"Yeah she finished it about 2 minutes ago. Now pay her and don't be a prick about it." Clark yelled from under a car. He is very blunt. That's why Pete hired him.

"Dick." The rich boy muttered and I spun on my heels.

"He's right. Your a sexist prick. Now pay up front and get the hell out of this shop." I sneered and he grumbled and went up to the desk and plaid. Pete gave me a bonus today cause I spent my time working instead of taking breaks and smoking on the job. He got in his car and almost hit me.

"Fuck you." I yelled and went and helped another customer.


I walked into my house and kicked my boots off. I smelt Monty's cooking and smiled. I eat than go out.

"I'm home." I yelled and started taking my hair out of the bun. Alex walked out from the office and was going to hug me but saw all the grease on me.

"Pussy." I said and walked upstairs and took a shower and got ready. Pic above.


I jumped down off the bridge and landed on my feet making a group of girls scream. Everyone looked and say me and cheered. I was tossed a beer and I caught it and started drinking.

Alex's pov

"Its three in the morning and she's not back." I told Monty and he yawned and said she will be. We heard sirens and than there was a knock. I walked to the door and opened it to see a very high and drunk Imogen with two officers.

"Where did you find her?" I asked and Monty came over and cursed.

"She was in an alley beating on a girl. She's got a court date in three days at 10am." They said and pushed her to us and she stumbled and mutters pigs. I picked her up bridal style and slammed the door in the officers face and took her up to bed. She asked if I would stay until she fell asleep. I laid down and she snuggled up to me and passed out. I laid her in on her pulled and gave her the hoodie and she never woke up. I slipped out of her room and went down to Monty.

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