Chapter Ten: Dates & future.

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Imogen's pov

I woke up to being kissed. I opened my eyes to see Ben. Its been a whole week since the trial. Clark got life in prison.

Morning." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck and he he kissed me and I kissed him back.

Go. On. A. Romantic. Date. With. Me?" He asked in between the kisses. I said yes and his hand slipped up his shirt I was wearing and he started to massage my clit through my underwear. I arched my back and moaned. He started kissing my neck and I let out another moan.


We walked downstairs after I got ready. No we didn't have sex but I think tonight will be the night. The dates at 9 but its in the city so I have to be ready by 8. I'll need to go through my brothers night stand to get a condom. I'll have to talk to The twins when they go out of town for shopping. I jumped on Ben's back as we walked up to the house for breakfast. I jumped down when I saw my brothers truck. I ran inside and screamed their names. They jumped up and I jumped on Monty and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I've missed you to baby girl." He said and Alex grumbled about not getting a hug first. I got down and literally tackled him to the ground.

How's that for a hug?" I asked and he chuckled and I got off him and he got up and hugged me. They don't know about Clark yet. I want to tell them in person.

The three of us need to talk later okay." I said and they said yeah. We all sat down and ate breakfast. After breakfast I went out to Judah's car and started working on it.

So what's up Angel?" Alex asked and I pushed myself out from under the car and got up and we took walk and I told them.

Why didn't you call us?" They asked and I looked at them.

Because I didn't want to tell you over the phone. He's got life in prison. Ben has been nothing but supportive and it nice to actually be treated like a princess. Its the past and I'm over it." I said ans they hugged me.

On other news I'm raiding one of your guy's condom stash for tonight just in case." I said and the scrunched up their nose and said fine.

I'll go to the store in get you a pack to keep." Monty said and I kissed his cheek.

At least I'm not sleeping around anymore." I said and went back to the car and got to work.


Ugh Ben's at school and I'm bored.

Gen come in side for lunch." Sarah called out from the porch. I got out from under the car and got up and went inside. I wiped my hands on my pants and sat down and Jane gave me a plate.

How's the car coming?" Daniel asked and I said its getting there. I ate and than went back out. I busted my ass on the car all day when Liam came.

Came to check on the car." He said and I nodded and said one more week of work and it should be good.

Good. Here's the rest of the money I owe you. There's another 3 hundred for your troubles the car caused." He said and I wiped my hand off and shook his hand and he gave me an envelope. I stuffed it in my back pocket and he left. I closed the hood and went down to the cottage to get ready for my date with Ben. I grabbed a tight dress and heels. I got dressed after my shower. Did my hair and makeup than went to got Alex room when Monty called me to his room. I walked in and he threw me a box.

Don't get pregnant please. At least wait till he's graduates." He said and I saluted him and went to my room. I tucked a condom in my bra.

Angel your date is here." Alex yelled and I walked downstairs and they looked up and Ben's jaw dropped. I walked off the last step and I kissed Alex on the cheek and we left.

I got us a reservation at a nice restaurant in the city. 40 minute ride." He said and we got in my truck cause it was clean and not broke. He drove though. I scooted closer and he put his arm around me and I put my hand on his thigh.

Tonight is the night babe." He said and I looked at him.

Are you sure?" I asked and he stopped at a gas station out side of town. He pulled me on his lap.

Yes I'm sure. I love you and I want you and only you." He said and I kissed him and he kissed me back. He drove as I kissed his neck. I bit his neck and he moaned my name.

Its a good thing I brought a condom." I said and he squeezed my ass and I grinded on him. I fixed his boner and he is going to get even harder later. We got to the restaurant and got to our seat. The waitress was flirting with My man and it was pissing me off.

We will have coke. Okay thanks bye." I said and he kissed my head and she rolled her eyes.

2 years later.

Ben's pov

Jason come on." Imogen groaned and I heard little giggles. I went upstairs and she was chasing after him around the upstairs. I caught him and she bent over and panted. She stood up and rubbed her belly.

Ours our litter campers?" I asked and kissed her forehead.

He's doing good. Doctor said they are healthy but I need to start eating more." She said and took Jason and got him ready for grand ma's. We bought the farm down from my mothers after I graduated high school. We soon left and went to moms. When we got there Alex and Monty were there. Jason ran straight to the the second he got out of the truck. Monty picked him up and he smiled.

Hey little man you behaving for mommy and daddy?" He asked and he nodded yes but Imogen said no.

I had to chase him." She grumbled and went up the stairs and hugged brothers and we went inside. Mom and dad were so happy to see us. Mom hugged Imogen and rubbed her belly.

Your grandson is the devil." She said and sat down.

What's he done now Genny?" Dad said and she smiled.

He made me run." She said and he frowned.

Where were you?" He asked and me and I said I had just got back from work.

So how's being Mayor Brian?" Monty asked and he sighed and said stressful.

Well I'm thinking of moving back down here so let me know if you need any help at the office." He said and he said it would help a lot.

Imogen's pov

I'm bloody hungry so when Jane put the food on the table I started eating.

Immy did you spill something?" Lucy asked and I looked down and I went wide eyed.

Shit no. Fuck my water broke." I said and they all jumped up in action and got me to the clinic.

The end.

(Sorry my lovely readers but this book is now discontinued.)

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