Chapter Five: Branding & Secrets.

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Imogen's pov

"I would love to see you wrestle a cattle." Ben said as we got the horses ready.

"Maybe I will." I said and smirking and he grabbed me by the waist.

"Don't be teasing." He said and I giggled and put my hands on his chest.

"Wouldn't dream of it Country boy." I said and he chuckled and I smiled. We got the horse down in the pit. The cattle were all ready and so was the brand. I went and checked on Bubba. Ben and I have gotten close in the last month. He's really sweet and he's super fucking hot. He's a senior in high school so he's 17. I'll be 18 in a month and I don't really want to do anything but my brothers are planning something. When I got to Bubba's stall Lucy was with him. She was playing with him.

"Told you that you'd love him." I said and she looked up and giggled.

"He will grow up with me. He's my best friend." She said and hugged him.

"Come on pumpkin let's go get you ready. Your mama will kill me if your all dirty." I said and she giggled and came out of the stall and I locked it and we went up to the house and I got her all ready. Pink dress with a pink bow and tiny curls. We went downstairs and Ben said she looked super pretty. Soon people started arriving and I went down to the pit and Tim was there.

"Imogen are you wrestling cattle?" He asked and I said yeah.

"Some female has to." I said and he chuckled and Ben came over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I get to watch. Mom wants me watching Lucy while everyone wrestles the cattle." He said and I chuckled.

"My brothers could watch her." I told him and he shrugged.

"I don't really wrestle the cattle anyway. I suck at it." He said and Tim and I laughed. My hat was plucked off my head and I looked to see Liam. I snatched my hat from him and placed it on my head.

"Touch my hat again and you'll wish you never met me." I sneered and he smirked.

"Is that a threat. The sheriff is right over there I could go get him." He taunted and I went to step forward but I was pulled back.

"Back off." Monty's voice boomed over everyone's chatting.

"I see you near my sister again and you'll wish you never talked to her. Now walk away." He growled and I was being held back gently. I looked to see Ben. I blushed and looked down.

"You heard him." The sheriff said and Liam scoffed and said you have made a big mistake. He walked off to his family and I started giggling.

"What?" The sheriff asked and I said he looked like a tomato. We all laughed and soon it was time to wrestle the cattle. When Jane ran the bell LeLe got on her back legs and I took my hat off and my brothers cheered. I wrestled 5 cattle and got them branded in record time. Soon branding was over and than it was time for the riding competition. We just got a wild horse last week. We have to see who can ride the longest. I was first. I lasted 50 minutes til he buck me off. I let out a groan as I landed hard on the ground. I got up and grabbed my hat. The horse dragged his foot back. Shit. He charged and I ran and grabbed the saddle and I jumped on and pulled on the rains. He got on his back legs and tried bucking me off again. I got him in the stall and got out before he hurt me bad. Everyone rushed to me and made sure I was fine which I was. I would just be hurting tomorrow. I won the competition. And I got to name him and keep him as my horse. I named him Stallion. He's was jet black and his hair was long.

Ben's pov

"Alright so I'm not much for speeches so thanks for coming out for the branding. We got a lot of cattle branded this year. Enjoy the food everyone." Dad said and we clapped for him and than Liam got up.

"I have a speech and for all of you I'll start off by saying we did a great job this year with the branding. Thank you Jane and Brian for hosting it every year, much appreciated. Now to all you know I'm running for mayor. Unopposed not surprising there. Anyways I would love to be mayor of this amazing town so please vote for me. Now I want to give a thanks to the Kingsley's for their donation to the school's football team. Very generous of you." He said with a smirk and Imogen clenched her fist.

"Actually its the music department we are donating to. They need new instruments." Alex corrected and she smirked.

"Don't forget the little kids field trip that's coming up Alex." Monty said and she snickered.

"Well thank you for your generous donation but the football team is a bit more important." He said and Imogen stood up.

"Actually the music department and the children's field trip is more important. Now let's eat yeah." She said and I chuckled as did some others.

"Actually I've made a decision to run for mayor." Dad said and many cheered and others gasped.

"Election is in 2 weeks its a bit late don't you think." Liam sneered and Imogen smirked.

"Afraid of a little competition aye Liam?" She asked and he glared and said good luck and made him and his family leave. After eating we cleaned up and got the horses back in the barn. Lucy was with Bubba and I saw Imogen giggling.

"Lucy your all dirty pumpkin." She said and Lucy gave her an innocent smile.

"Come on we got to get you ready for the Berkeley's. She said and Lucy said but Bubba needs me.

"You can come see him tomorrow pumpkin come on before your mother has my head." Imogen said and I wrapped my arms around her and she giggled.

"Come on Lucy you heard Im." I said and she said fine. She came out and we locked the stall and took her up to the house. Imogen went and got her washed up and ready and me and the guys got the pit ready for the bonfire.

By 5 mom and dad headed out with Lucy and Nina to the Berkeley's.

"Why do you have to leave?" Imogen asked and we looked over to see her brothers with a bag.

"We will be back. We are going to get the rest of our stuff at Devon's. A week. You'll be fine Angel." Alex said and she had tears in her eyes.

"You said you were going to have him mail the rest of the stuff why are you lying to me?" She said and crossed her arms. They went into the kitchen to have a private talk.

Imogen's pov

I watched my brother leave in their trucks and I lit up a cigarette and sighed. I felt arms wrapped around my waist and I looked to see Ben. I smiled and he wiped my eyes.

"Don't cry Angel they will be back." He said and I nodded and soon everyone started arriving. I got the freshman settled in the front yard and the sophomores settle in the barn.

"Don't go near Stallions stall he's a bit cranky." I said and they said okay. I went down to the pit and grabbed a beer.

"You sure that's wise with your condition?" Judah asked and I looked to see a group around him and he had his phone in hand.

"You sure can find anything on the Internet under peoples names." He said and his group laughed and I sipped my beer.

"Let me guess you found the video of me being gang raped and drugged?" I asked and Ben and his sibling's looked shocked.

"Sure did and might I say hot body. Its a shame no one wants to touch you now." He said and I clenched my fist.

"Did you see the part where I stabbed one of them? Or did you only watch the part where I got raped. Says a lot about someone if they only watched the rapping." I said and he stood up quickly and clenched his jaw.

"Go ahead strike me down for what I said just know I'll give you hell for the rest of your natural fucking life." I growled and he stepped forward but Ben stepped in front of me.

"Touch her and you wish you were never born." He growled and his brothers all stood next to him. Sarah hugged me and pulled me up to my cottage. I grabbed my brothers whiskey bottles and started drinking and smoke a lot of cigarettes.

"Should we call her brothers?" Someone whispered and I stumbled up to my room and locked myself inside. I threw my night stand making it break and I saw the meds my doctor prescribed me and my pocket knife on my dresser. I pushed the thoughts out of me head and kept drinking.

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