Chapter Six

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I arrived at Hogwarts and ran right into Hermione.

"Oh, Dean, there you are." she said, sounding harrassed.

"Work getting on top of you?" I asked mildly, telling myself I'd explain things to her later when she wasn't so overworked.

"Oh, no, it's fine." she lied, smiling at me.

"Cut the crap, Herm."

"Okay, fine. Yes, I'm finding a little harder than I thought, but it's nothing I can't handle. The Headmaster is looking for you, by the way." she said, hurrying past me.

"'Kay, thanks!" I called after her, heading off to find the Headmaster. I ran into him around the next corner.

"Oh there you are, Dean. I need you to -"

"Sorry, can't."

"Why not?"

"He's back."

"Who's back?"


He went white and staggered backwards. "That's not possible!"

"You're telling me. Well, he's not really back per se, but he soon will be. Something or someone has been tampering with Life and Death."

"Well. . I guess you of all people would know." he said uncertainly.

"You're damn right I do. I'm afraid you'll have to teach the class yourself. Back soon! Bye!"

I vanished, taking myself off to Malfoy Manor, which had had a radical change over the years. Gone was the bleak, oppresive atmosphere; it was now a beautiful home full of joy.

I walked right through the front door and ran into Draco, who jumped.

"Hey, what do you - oh, its you."

I dragged him into an empty cupboard nearby.

"Draco, listen to me. What I am about to tell you is going to scare you, but you need to know it's going to be alright."

He simply stared at me.

"Voldemort is going to be coming back from the dead. Someone or something has been tampering with Life and Death, and the result is that both he and your Aunt Bellatrix will be brought back from the dead some time soon."

 "No." he said simply, going white. "It's not possible. They're both dead. Harry killed him, and Weasley's mother killed her. No."

"Well, as I said, someone or something has been tampering. Want to know how bad?" I shifted into being Death and he yelped in surprise.

"Yeah," I said gravely. "whatever caused the tampering had the power to merge Death and I once more. Neither of us know how to undo it, either."

"But what. . ?" he whispered, staring at me.

"I don't know. . but once Voldemort does come back, your Dark Mark will also return. You know Scorpious is friends with Harry's children, right?"


"Well, let's pray he does not do what you did and go with Voldemort."

I never wanted to - it was the only way I could keep safe from him, he would have killed my family and me if I hadn't."

"I know." I said soothingly. "You're going to have to get in touch with Ron, though, because you, Hermione, Harry and Ron, along with your children are going to be needed to help combat whatever this thing is."

"You want me to -"

"Do you want to die? No? Then you will work with them!" I vanished, taking myself off home to where Luna was doing some knitting,

 "Hello," she said, looking up as I appeared. "Busy day?"

"You have no idea." I said, sinking into a chair with a sigh, before filling her in on everything that had happened.

"I thought you looked a little different." was all she said before resuming her knitting.

"What're you knitting?"

"Boots for the baby."

"What baby?" I asked, confused.

"Our baby. I'm pregnant."

As she spoke, I glanced at her, shocked, and saw a pulse of life inside her womb. She was indeed pregnant once more.

"That's wonderful!" I exclaimed, beaming and kissing her as I did so.

She smiled before finishing a row then setting her knitting down and turning to me.

"So, what are you going to do now Voldemort will be coming back?"

"What else can I do, love? I'm going to have to fight again. People are going to die - and I have to make sure he is one of them, the first one if possible. If he gets to making Horcruxes again, then we're in big trouble."

"But - "

"Hold that thought love, I have to run, Harry's just woken up."

She nodded as I vanished, appearing by Harry's side as he came round in his office, wincing in pain.

"Okay now?" I asked.

"What happened?" he groaned.

"You passed out."

"I could have sworn my scar hurt before everything went black, but that's impossible, right?"

"I'm afraid not." I said cheerfully, before filling him in on everything.

"How can you be so cheerful?!" he cried, climbing to his feet and staring at me. "Voldemort is coming back! Do you not realise - "

"Yes, Harry Potter, I do realise. I'm being cheerful because someone needs to be during the chaos that will surely follow."

He fell quiet and began pacing.

"Kingsley already knows and has alerted the Prophet. Luna's going to be running an article in the Quibbler about it. We must not panic, Harry. People will be looking to the Ministry again. You must ensure, along with Kingsley, that you do not repeat the mistakes of the past."

Harry suddenly screamed out, clutching his scar, and I was aware of a huge uprising in Life. Lord Voldemort and his most faithful servant had risen from the dead, at full power. Soon, the war would be upon us once more.

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